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Ok following on from a previous thread,
PVA is not acceptable to be used as a primer in a tiling situation.
There are designated primers out there that the adhesive company's have spent a lot of money on to make sure they work along side the adhesive to give it a proper key into the substrate.
There is plenty of information on this forum to see why not to use PVA.
It's not acceptable to state "I've used it for years without a problem"
There's no if, buts or maybes, it's not suitable.
The adhesive manufacturers have proved that tiling to PVA leads to failures in a tiling environment so why risk it???

PVA V Primer

This is the only place you should see PVA.
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I visited a local tile supplier and they have a notice on the wall about not using pva:ban:, how it skins on the wall etc...what amazes me is that tilers have be reminded not to use it.

Did you read the other thread??

I find it truly unbelievable that "Tilers" are still using PVA as a primer.
Some people are just too stuck in their ways I suppose.
I have to laugh when they state that I think I know it all, if I knew it all I wouldn't be travelling down to a 1 day training course in London & then going to Coalville for a 2 day Schluter course.
For someone to be running a professional tile fitting service & still using PVA???

Time's Ran Out

So the other thread got closed for going of topic!
Big sister is watching.
I don't know why you get so involved, some people are just too ignorant of the facts to accept what should be the correct method, and will argue their corner as its the way they've always done it! Bal and Ardex have never in the 40 years I've been in this trade recommended anything other than their own primers from Bal's acetone and Ardex's neoprene up to the acrylic of today.
Too many people come on here now and give 'advice' without the knowledge or experience and Joe DIY has no way of deciding which post to accept. It's a dangerous situation to be in for a forum especially when discussion is often curtailed!
Where are all those members who complained about the Trusted advisors now? I don't see them providing a scrap of input to any of the threads and indeed not even on the forum anymore!
If it wasn't for the trusted members no questions would ever get answered!


John I get involved because I see someone giving bad advice to an OP who is looking to do a job properly.
Iike you I'm passionate about our trade & I'm not going to sit back & read without reply someone giving out bad advice.
Confrontational? You could say that,
Honest, most definitely.

I don't care how many years experience someone has they can still learn.
My god look at Phil Hobson, 42yrs in the game & still made his way to London to go to Rays training day.
That speaks volumes to me & that goes for a lot of other Tilers that made there way down aswell.


So the other thread got closed for going of topic!
Big sister is watching.
I don't know why you get so involved, some people are just too ignorant of the facts to accept what should be the correct method, and will argue their corner as its the way they've always done it! Bal and Ardex have never in the 40 years I've been in this trade recommended anything other than their own primers from Bal's acetone and Ardex's neoprene up to the acrylic of today.
Too many people come on here now and give 'advice' without the knowledge or experience and Joe DIY has no way of deciding which post to accept. It's a dangerous situation to be in for a forum especially when discussion is often curtailed!
Where are all those members who complained about the Trusted advisors now? I don't see them providing a scrap of input to any of the threads and indeed not even on the forum anymore!
If it wasn't for the trusted members no questions would ever get answered!

John I agree with what your saying people who have used that method for years will not change that's a fact, I don't agree with the trusted advisor thing though anyone who can read british standards or spec sheets could give advice on a few jobs and be a trusted advisor ,the likes of yourself ,phil ,dean ,dave etc know through experience , forums are a strange thing for instance I may not be a tiler I may just bs my way through (who knows) . I know my job inside and out and to be honest that is all that matters to me,i come on here from time to time and try to help when and if I can or share experience etc. I remember when I first started on this forum I was asked by someone if they could come and shadow me for a couple of weeks which I agreed too(it never happened )but then the same guy a few months later was a trusted advisor,that was always my problem with the trusted advisor tag.
Sorry went massively of topic pva should never be used as a primer,although my boss calls every white liquid pva :)

TJ Smiler

I think there is a lot of big ego issues on a forum, many members will answer quesions according to what they think sounds good to other members and may not necessarily be an answer that comes from experience - in order to gain some sort of cyber respect ort something (no i am not saying that that happens all the time) but some of the threads i read where people are giving advice as to what they would do on a job or in a certain situation you can tell it's just absolute bull.... If people could just realise that's it's ok to not know EVERYTHING there is to know about tiling or it's products then we would all benefit more. Funny enough i just answered a question on another thread about someone having problems with a cracked 'red screed' my answer was ' i have no idea what a red screed is but am looking forward to seeing some of the answers' i think the trusted advisor thing is a great idea.......... Just as long as we know we can trust them. TJ, Phill, Deano, Whitebeam, Gary and several others on here (sorry if i missed any out) could carry that tag easily as we all know they know there stuff and would not answer a question where they found the answer by looking on google.

As for the primer thing.... at £1.50 a bottle i think i'll take a chance and switch :lol:. Then again that's why i wouldn't accept the trusted advisor tag even if it were to be offered to me, i don't know enough about it all.

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