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Discuss Need advice caulking a bathtub when the gap is BIG between wall tiles & tub. Thanks. in the Canada Tile Advice area at



Hi folks. I am a new member. I have done some tiling but am still a slightly advanced beginner. I have 2 questions, one small & one big, about caulking a bathtub. Some folks mentioned filling up the tub with water prior to caulking. How long do you leave the water in the tub? One youtube video suggested leaving the water in for 24 hours after caulking. Do you agree?

Bigger question. I live in an old building & at least 30 years ago, whoever tiled & caulked my tub was very sloppy. The gap between the tiles on the wall & the tub varies from 1/4 inch to almost an inch! That is (I think) between 6 mm & nearly 24 mm. The only good news is that the gap is not deep (going into the wall) & I have cleaned out the gap well. I was thinking of adding one layer of caulk & then adding more caulk after maybe 5 or more hours (when the first layer is dry) Then I would continue adding layers of caulk until the gap is filled & level. By the way, the gap between the tiles and the tub is filled with grout.

Thanks VERY MUCH or your help.


I would look at altering the legs on the bath the bath has defiantly moved. There usually 2x m10 nuts on each leg that can be altered to higher or lower the bath. Is the plasterboard sat on bath to
Hi Adrian:
I am in the US & maybe baths are installed differently here. My bath is 100% flat on the floor. I am a DIYer. There is no way I can possibly elevate the tub & alter the legs. This would take at least 2-3 construction professionals. I think I figured something else out by searching online. Thanks for your help!!


Phil2b: use a steam cleaner in the area to be filled in order to kill residual bacteria/mould. Then fill using a caulk in which you mix some zinc compounds (zinc oxide/sulphate/phosphate) to create an anti-bacterial barrier. Then cover the mess using a length of uPVC quadrant moulding (usually sold 2m in length, larger radius mouldings are often stocked by replacement window companies.) secured by anti-bacterial silicone mastic. If the gap can't be covered using quadrant then use bull-nosed flat window-edging trim and a small quadrant bead to make it pretty.
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