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Any opinions whether there appears to be enough adhesive behind my tiles to keep them stuck to the wall of my shower cubicle, and prevent water ingress behind the tiles?

As can be seen I’ve removed one of the offending tiles to show how the adhesive doesn’t go all the way to the tile edges, especially at the corners. My question is whether the rest of the offending tiles need to be removed and replaced, before grouting?

This is sent as a follow up to a previous post on this forum about whether this job was at risk of leaking:




take the tiles off if they have been dotted and dabbed or you will have trouble,that is not the right way to fix tiles

Would you say it looks like it's been dot and dabbed from the attached photo? - the tiles are green and the adhesive is the grey splodge, which kind of looks like a number 8 on its side. The slightly darker area of grey in the corners are free from adhesive


try this for on line resize try 350pixel setting - Resize Images online

i use this one installed on pc, just drag and drop photo, and will reduce automatically - Batch Picture Resize

Thanks Steve, I've managed to create a better photo (by cropping) but now I am unable to upload it as I only have 4.2kb left from the 9.8Kb allocation and there doesn't appear to be any way of removing the originally posted photo under the attachment management window.

Sorry to be a dimbo, but I don't suppose you know of any way to remove a picture from a post?
As above, looks like pretty good coverage although I think we are only seing half the tile? Ps, I'd be furious as a tiler if a customer decided to take my work apart. Hope this all works out for you and the tiler.
if the work wasnt done right in the first place as it appears the cutomer must have doughts about the tiler and is right to be checking the work do you not think as i presume he will be paying good money and doesnt want them falling off
as to wich i am sure will happen at some time in the future if not fixed right


You need to Go Advanced and click Manage Attachments. You should be able to remove the attachment from there.


unless I'm being dense there doesn't appear to be any options for removing attachments under the manage attachments tab though. Can you let me know where I should be looking?

And trying to post it direct to the mail doesn't help either as it still generates the size restriction error because of the existing image. Grrr!


As above, looks like pretty good coverage although I think we are only seing half the tile? Ps, I'd be furious as a tiler if a customer decided to take my work apart. Hope this all works out for you and the tiler.

The right hand edge is where the tiling trim was, so yes, you're only really seeing about 2/3rds of the tile. And just to let you know, the tiler (multitradesman) is no longer around due to a host of other crimes committed in the name of bathroom refurbishment.

Deleted member 9966

unless I'm being dense there doesn't appear to be any options for removing attachments under the manage attachments tab though. Can you let me know where I should be looking?

And trying to post it direct to the mail doesn't help either as it still generates the size restriction error because of the existing image. Grrr!

thanks for letting me know. I'll raise it with Admin, as I can't remove the pic from there myself.
The right hand edge is where the tiling trim was, so yes, you're only really seeing about 2/3rds of the tile. And just to let you know, the tiler (multitradesman) is no longer around due to a host of other crimes committed in the name of bathroom refurbishment.
i feel for you but at least thats another cowboy out of the way


at least thats another cowboy out of the way

Just re reading my previous post, and Brians follow up, it sounds a bit like the original tiler had been despatched. Permanently. So just for the record, they are, as far as I'm aware, alive and well - just ruining some other poor souls bathroom instead! I'm sure this forum doesn't condone the execution of tradesmen, even really shoddy ones

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