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I just found these photo's in our rogue traders photo gallery and they were posted by member stottey.....what do you think of this tiling....:lol:






joking apart - the only good thing about this (if there can be such a thing) is to show to those new at this game ( myself definately included) is that the money I spent ( about £2500) on my training wasn't wasted.

This could have been one of those that advertise - 'with 10 years experience - not a months training' - but if your experience has all been at this standard it means nowt!

Okay I only have a 4 week course behind me - but with 30+ years of diy experience- I would be ashamed to take money for this pile of crap.

frogeye (mini rant over)


I saw something similar done in a bathroom last year. Was called to do a consult on wether the whole thing had to come down or not. Aparantly two poles had done it, and they thought they had done a real good job, and were proud of it... They were present when I visited the place.

They had used like 12mm trowels on the walls, and managed to get like 40% coverage on 20x20cm tiles. On the tiles closest to where the doorframe was supposed to be, I could stick a pen in under the tile, like, all the way.

I almost felt sorry for them when I told them that their work was seriously botched, and that everything had to come down, as well as the floor, because they had damaged the UFH. There was a water leak as well, which they likely caused when they nailed a guide to the wall, using 5" nails... The list goes on...

Edit: And the leak had damaged the ceiling in the apartment below...
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I think someone must have turned up on new years day to do this job.

New years resolution""ahh yes i must not mix business with pleasure""

These people must have absolutely no conscience whatsoever!!!

You hit the nail on the head there Den but the saddest part is there are many who are nearly as bad at tiling as this chap he must have a masters degree in making it look like that. On gods earth i wish i was a fly on the wall when he finished and wanted paying that would of been 1 conversation worthmore than anything else:lol:


I would be the first to admitt that on 9 out of my 10 posts somtimes say somthing which bears no material fibre to the topic in question but try to re read through the post before clicking the send button.
On a forum posting situation when it is the case thats many judge others by the words they write.

I wud say some times things can come across differently to what is really meant. I have visited many jobs which have been tiled by romanian tilers and some were good some were bad Steriotyping would b unfair.

My advice to all users including my self is to look back and re read before posting and ask ur self only 2 questions
1, Is my post really necessery
2, Am i going to offend some one with my post
When i posted my thread " Work & Life" there were over 30 replies of genuine gud substance and a small minority of folk just find it easier to say somthing bad than nice i find.
BUT Remember " It is nice to be important but even more important to be nice"

White Room

I would be the first to admitt that on 9 out of my 10 posts somtimes say somthing which bears no material fibre to the topic in question but try to re read through the post before clicking the send button.
On a forum posting situation when it is the case thats many judge others by the words they write.

I wud say some times things can come across differently to what is really meant. I have visited many jobs which have been tiled by romanian tilers and some were good some were bad Steriotyping would b unfair.

My advice to all users including my self is to look back and re read before posting and ask ur self only 2 questions
1, Is my post really necessery
2, Am i going to offend some one with my post
When i posted my thread " Work & Life" there were over 30 replies of genuine gud substance and a small minority of folk just find it easier to say somthing bad than nice i find.
BUT Remember " It is nice to be important but even more important to be nice"

I do exactly that, Many a time I was going to reply to a post and there are so many answer's there is no need, And I also believe that I don't need to be rude I have my opionion's and step back but will make a genuine comment where necessary and hopefuly answer or assist with a question with the best of my knowledge

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