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Lately i have suffered many setbacks in the business and for some reason found that the light at the end of the tunnel is usually an express train.
I have never been ambicous probably only when i have tried to spell it lol. Went to college 2001 paid my £900 learned hard and came out to the world of tiling with an nvq level 2.
Always lived by 1 rule which limited me alot in coming years Specialised in small jobs always mailny kitchen splash backs and bathroom splash backs and small floors nice simple jobs loved doing them made me happy.
Lately found that as time went by people more and more often wanted big jobs doing which i believe i am not suited to do along with my partner. After christsmas had 9 cancellations for nice jobs i had booked and bought the materials for as i do not believe in buying as u go along.
At the minute the work seems to have died out and the 1 life line i have at the minute is the fact the the sheffield yellow pages and doncaster barnsley rotherham has been distributed an i have a very large advert in there keeping me ticking over with around 1 or 2 small jobs a week if i am lucky .
Have bored you with the life story Have come to a point where i just want to chuck the trowel in lol. It really sadens me becuse i have never chased the money and it has never been a controling factor in my life just like tiling kitchen splashbacks but seems the modern day customer wants an all rounder which i am not. What do you think i should do my partner has bills and motrgage to pay he is ready for the off carry on me little lone some or call it a day and go back into my other profession the security industry. The only thing i have to look forward to is my new bike high light of my life at the minute
1 man on this forum who i wil not name has been a rock to me adviced me all the way he is a true asset to this forum and the world itself. If it was not for him would have called it a day by now. Thank you again mr erm lol
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Start taking on the bigger jobs. Always buy as you require. Never stock yourself, that's what the shop is there for. If you were a contractor so to speak with bigger jobs then buying bulk from a distributor would be the way to go but not for splash-backs and so on.

Have you not done your own bathroom or whatever?

I would honestly say - always do what you love doing - though if you need to chase a bit of money to do it then so be it.

That attitude has cost me a few quid and made me a few quid too but I would never change it.

And get your partner back in to it too!


Hi Dan thanks for your reply my attitude and often my downfall is i am very set in my ways and once make my mind up rarely change it.
I believe that i am not a plumber or plasterer and have never been and people ring up asking for a bit of this and a bit of the other and when my partner who deals with quotes turns round saying well sorry we cant plaster or fit baths that is when the job is gone up the smoke. Plumbing and Plastering are pet hates of mine i know alot of people have often said that plastering and tiling go hand in hand but i can tell you that it doesnt i could not plaster to save my life nor could i fit a bath or sink.
I am a quick leaner but deep down dont want to learn these new skills. I understand what you are saying about stocking up wont be buying any more. Am hoping MARCH will see the business in a new light with the www.
Although i could go round like many tilers, plasterers, do advertising thier services for everything under the sun i am only good at 2 things 1, kitchen splashbacks above worktops and small floors same with bathrooms.
Always remember what Whinston Churchill said "If you are going through hell keep going" so am riding the tide at present


If its any help or comfort to you , i think you will find this year has started off badly for a lot of tilers and the building trade in general. The word on site is that its going to be a tough year.
By selling yourself short and just doing smaller jobs, you are limiting yourself. I think you are capable of more than that. I switch from site work to small and large jobs....basically anything that will pay the bills. I know you have a partner but unless you have a large volume of work coming in i find that it rarely works out.
You say you could go back to security work? why not just to keep some money coming you say "Ride the tide"
Keep asking around anyone you know and those that you dont. The more people who know you are looking for work the better.
Honestly had i known you were that short (of work i mean) you could have done a day with me last weekend in Manchester, it wouldnt have been big money but i feel it may have lifted your spirit.


Was speaking to an accounting client of mine yesterday, he runs a sawmill, he told me a friend of his is a builder and that January this year was the worst month he has had since starting business 18 years a go.

it is obviously a trned at the moment, and we just need to try and work thorugh it if we can.

Keep going Raja, I am sure it will turn around.



I am not experienced in the tiling game by any means mate but I only do it part time and if i don`t get any work for weeks then so be it, my other job pays the bills and tiling earns extra. If things are that bad then why not consider just doing the tiling part time for a while until things pick up for you again? Hope this helps a bit and all the very best mate! Don`t throw your tools away! I gotta feeling you`ll always regret it if you did!:)



In my experience limiting yourself to small job's is a big no-no,any tiler with experience will tell you that the small job's can be more of a pain than the big job's.

If lack of confidence is holding you back from doing larger job's i will tell you what i have told my apprentice's in the past "confidence come's with experience".
When i was serving my time i was told the same thing and even after i was qualified it was still a couple of years before i was confident to walk on to a job and know exactly what i was doing.

As has already been stated elswhere in this thread the building game is in a bit of a lull at the moment,and advertising may not bring the work you need,however try phoning companie's in your area at least that will only cost the price of a phone call.

I have alway's been lucky enough for work to fall into my lap,and as i have been in the game for many year's ,work is usually only a phone call away.

Stick with it and someday you will reap the benefit's


I guess don't be supprised if work is very slow if you limit yourself to the smallest of jobs.

If you don't like tiling a full kitchen or bathroom, what do you say or do when a customer phones up asking for a quote on a full room tile ?

If it a full room tiling ie just bathroom or kitchen would do it.
But if it involved tanking would say no can't do somthing i don't know how to.
It may have come across that i limit my self to the SMALLEST of jobs but i dont have done some full room tiling in the past But no tanking or anything like that. When a customer rings up and i have never had 1 in my 6 years of tiling say could you tile a full bathroom or kitchen without having to rip things out and fit new appliances that is where i lose out the demand is for all rounders somthing i am not.
This time last year i was doing really well and would have looked into going for a course at college for plumbing but as things are have decided against it.
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I have a suggestion or two. You might not like them, but here goes:

Read up on tanking by reading the installation manuals on the homepages of the manufacturers. There are different types of systems which work a bit differently, but the system specifics don't differ too much between manufacturers. Then adopt a single manufacturer as "yours", and learn their systems by heart. Takes an evening to get the theory straight. Then, take one job which involves tanking, and apply the theory. I remember the first time I tanked a bathroom. It was daunting as hell, and took me most of a day. After that, I learned little tricks, on how to do it better, and in less time. With the realization that I knew what I was doing, came confidence.

As to replacing substrates, plumbing, etc: If you don't want to do it, why don't you partner a carpenter or a plumber who can handle that kind of stuff? You go to him when you need something of the sort done, and he goes to you when his customers need tiling done. Mutually beneficial, and all you "risk" is having to fit schedules, and having more avenues of work, which means steadier income. Besides, where as you specialize in tiling, you can do a better job and faster than a jack-o-all, where as a plumber can surely do a better job at plumbing. It's a good sell point: "No, I don't do plumbing or furnishings, but I have partners who do. We do what we do best".

Survival is to adapt. You might not like having to learn and do new things, but you can learn to :)
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laurami tiling

i agree with sWe if a customer wants plumbing /plastering/joinery i say no but i know men who can and its always better to work with other tradesmen you know cause you get a better banter lol
its just a case of you scratch their back they scratch yours that way you can provide the full service (no i dont mean doing the mrs customer too)

keep at it mate , ive been p/time for a year done about 20 jobs last year but so far this year im very busy due to referals and repeat work and have never advertised yet (just waiting for the right redundo package from work lol)
if this keeps up i will have to go full time to get all the work done.

so stick to tiling in some form or other it will get better



Raja me old mucca don't worry about it,I'm exactly the same as you,don't touch sinks,baths etc. I'm a tiler not a plumber. I've just got in with a plumber from my last job and he's already got me a full bathroom and kitchen.I know if I need stuff moving I just have to give him a call and he'll do it,bit of work for him.
Haven't done many big jobs myself but if they came up I'd give them ago,you'll never be able to do them if you don't dive in.Whats the worst that can happen?

When you say security work is it true what Wivers says that your a doorman at nursery?:lol:
Keep your chin up mate and it'll work out.:thumbsup:


Raja me old mucca don't worry about it,I'm exactly the same as you,don't touch sinks,baths etc. I'm a tiler not a plumber. I've just got in with a plumber from my last job and he's already got me a full bathroom and kitchen.I know if I need stuff moving I just have to give him a call and he'll do it,bit of work for him.
Haven't done many big jobs myself but if they came up I'd give them ago,you'll never be able to do them if you don't dive in.Whats the worst that can happen?

When you say security work is it true what Wivers says that your a doorman at nursery?:lol:
Keep your chin up mate and it'll work out.:thumbsup:

And some of those kids are taller than him as well...........:lol:


same as sWe and Laurami mate get onto a couple of plasterers and plumbers local to you and go and have a chat about teaming up to get jobs off each other.

"Can I pass any plumbing/plastering jobs onto you and if you get any customers who ask you for tiling pass on my card." kinda chat

not trying to tell you how to suck eggs mate as I have only been at the game two minutes myself but think it would be a shame for you to pack it in pal.

best of luck whichever way you go


Raja me old mucca don't worry about it,I'm exactly the same as you,don't touch sinks,baths etc. I'm a tiler not a plumber. I've just got in with a plumber from my last job and he's already got me a full bathroom and kitchen.I know if I need stuff moving I just have to give him a call and he'll do it,bit of work for him.
Haven't done many big jobs myself but if they came up I'd give them ago,you'll never be able to do them if you don't dive in.Whats the worst that can happen?

When you say security work is it true what Wivers says that your a doorman at nursery?:lol:
Keep your chin up mate and it'll work out.:thumbsup:
thank you mate for your words of encouragement yes used to work as a bouncer at mothercare lol


The response so far has been of a very encouraging nature. SWE i would not take anything you say the wrong way or dislike it i am very grateful you took the time out to post on my thread your adivce is greatly apreciated and have took on board what you said thank u

No problem mate. I'd hate to see nice people go out of business when all they really seem to need is some encouragement and/or advice, and I'd be damned if I didn't atleast take a few minutes to write something.
Keep at it Raja,
I'm a plasterer who took up tiling...I don't do any plumbing but always get asked do I fit bathrooms etc, as I swap work with 3 different plumbers there is always one that can do the job, so my answer is I know a man who can, I then arrange for the plumber to meet me when going to price the job.
Also try and find one or two independent kitchen fitters as the good ones don't have time to tile as they are always in demand...loads of splashbacks...good luck..Mark.


Why does everybody blame the building trade or a recession when the have no work or the phone doesnt ring, all the builders i work for say the are cant keep up with the work. I think a lot of it is poor marketing, aim your business at the customers you want. Go to builders, plumbers, kitchen shops etc and do a day for free to show them why your the best, it wont come to you unless you chase it. This wasnt aimed at you Don, i think that if you only want small jobs then you will be quiet, but good luck and keep going it does get easier.

DS Tiling

It is hard just now as a lot of people are being careful with their cash. We are still staying busy but a lot of people are opting for Kitchen and bathroom companies to do the lot so i know what you mean about other trades. We have had to tidy up tiling work from such companies in the past. I think they put a lot of pressure on the tilers but the finish sufers IMO. There will be very good tilers out there working for big companies or doing the lot themselves so don't get me wrong they are not all bad. We do plastering, replace substrates if required but our market is for tiling. The most I will do plumbing wise is move a WC if shutoffs are in place but I prefer to leave the lot to plumbers. We used to do work for a plumbing company which was great steady work but they branched into other stuff and no longer do bathrooms. Stick with it and go part time if you have that flexibility. If your jobs are to a high standard then you will always be in demand.


Just a thought Don, find out if the council in your area are doing any refurb on social housing estates (council houses but we cant call them that) i had a spell with 2 companies in my area who go in rip the kitchens out and bathrooms, fit new ones, and i went in a tiled Around 6sqm in kitchen and 4sqm in bathroom and they are flat out all year round that would be right up your street.


every business has ups and downs, i'm still at the painting and privately the phone hasn't rung this year, yeah it's kinda worrying but i'm fortunate that i've got an industrial contract to fall back on.

as for partnerships go, i 'm in one and if i had the chioce to go back and do it different i would. We all have bills to pay etc..... so we take the same re wages and when there is nothing coming in then it's DOUBLE the ammount thats goin out and maybee only a small job coming in, does that cover the wages, bills etc.....?
if you worked on your own then it would, you would get by.
i'm giving it till the summer at the painting then i'm gonna give the tiling a go full time, coz when theres 2 hands out from 1 job then i'll never make any money.

i suppose it's all down to seling yourself when your pricing stating that your a TILER and thats it and your busy with TILING.

keep going bud, things normally sort themselves out in the end, there will be another light at the end of the tunnel.

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