Discuss New Trusted Advisors added to the support staff. in the General Off-topic Chat area at TilersForums.com.


Old Mod

After a lot of discussion, it’s been agreed among the current TA’s that with the increase in forum members and of course the inevitable increase in forum activity, that a few members should be added to the team.
These guys have all been selected for what they bring to the forum, and for their continual support.
Whilst it might seem like a shift away from the norm it’s in recognition of the fact that they give sound solid advice in their field, no matter what it may be, and of course for their continued support of the forum.

Personality’s are not on trial here, only professional knowledge, after all we’re an advice and teaching forum, not an agony aunt column. :D

So please welcome the 4 new members to the team.
(In alphabetical order! :D)

Jerry @jcrtiling
Paul @Paul C.
Paul @pdc
Tom @Tom Astley

Each one has their own area of expertise, and I’m sure will become more of an asset than they already are.

Welcome guys,
Good luck. :thumbsup:

And for any of those who feel unfairly passed over, the New Years honour list is still to come. ;)


I'm humbled by the invitation but feel I must decline. I'm not a tiler by any means and you guys have forgotten more than I'll ever know. I do a bit of tiling every now and then and do it to the best of my ability but I think too many "non professional" tilers (those who do it full time) will dilute the standard of this forum.
Thanks again for even considering me, I shall of course continue to support the forum in my usual charming and witty way...

Old Mod

@pdc There’s a number of TA’s Paul where Tiling isn’t their first trade, as I said, it’s not purely about that.
It’s shortsighted, even arrogant of us to think that Trusted advice can only come from a tiler, although we may think it! :p
The industry is continually changing now, every day the goal posts are moved a little more, and we're being expected to have more and more knowledge.
And knowledge comes in many many forms and from a wide variety of sources, and to ignore that fact would be unprofessional.
The Tag stands for a lot of things, including loyalty and support for the forum, as well as a reliable source of advice on many subjects.
And whilst you may not be a full time tiler Paul, you have bucket loads of the attributes above.
So I’d urge you to take 24hrs to re consider please, and if you still feel the same tomorrow, then I’ll respect your request, all be it reluctantly.

Thank you for honesty Paul, but personally, I do wish you’d just accept it with good grace you ungrateful git! :D:p;)


@pdc - with 3000+ posts over 5 years and on a myriad of topics you were recognised by your peers for your contribution to the content of this forum!
You could just say thanks lads and get on with it.
Bloody foreigners!

Overlapped by others!
remember that without Italy and Spain you would be in the UK to sell fish and chips.
and I'm not going any further ... :)


I'm humbled by the invitation but feel I must decline. I'm not a tiler by any means and you guys have forgotten more than I'll ever know. I do a bit of tiling every now and then and do it to the best of my ability but I think too many "non professional" tilers (those who do it full time) will dilute the standard of this forum.
Thanks again for even considering me, I shall of course continue to support the forum in my usual charming and witty way...
I have worked with a guy who used to work in Spain and methods in some situations are completely different . On this forum we do get people saying I have bought a house in Spain blah blah blah . When this happens although not only limited to this your input is invaluable . So take it .

Reply to New Trusted Advisors added to the support staff. in the General Off-topic Chat area at TilersForums.com

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