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British Telecom (BT Customer Street)

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Colour Republic

Ok get comfy as I may or may not be about to rant/waffle/bore you.

Over the years I’ve had many calls from a company called u-find-us aka customer street, they ring you up and tell you they have work ready and waiting in your area as the opening gambit, they then proceed to try and sell you all manner of products ranging from lead generators to building a website. The very first time they called some 4 years ago or so I didn't like the forceful nature of the sales pitch, so I said I would get back to them.

I checked them out via online reviews, now online reviews can be great but always be aware we are a nation of moaners so if we get peeved we are far more likely to slag them off than take the time to write a glorious review, but I was taken aback by the level of criticism thrown their way and the sort of problems being experienced by the service were basic requirements. (What was also very shocking was the fact some people were paying between £250-£1000 for the very same package!)

When the salesman phoned next I told him of my findings and said I would not be taking him up on the offer, he then went even more hard sell on me and proceed to tell me what a bad businessman I must be for not wanting all this extra work - I know some of you have heard this very same line.

Anyway, I got calls off these people every 6 months or so (all of which I declined) and about 18 months ago British Telecom (BT) brought them out for an alleged £18m (I haven't checked this figure but this is what I’ve been told by subsequent salesmen, so take it with a pinch of salt). When this happened they started calling but saying we are from BT instead of saying we are X company which is a subsidiary of BT, there were praying on the BT brand hoping that would convince people but it was still the mega hard sales pitch coming from the other end of the phone, this is not something I expected from BT so I can only assume it is run by the same people but merely owned by BT.

I checked them out again and they were still getting the same reviews as nothing had changed. Over the last 2 years since BT’s ownership I have been getting even more phone calls from them and each time when the say “I’m calling from BT” I stop them and say “are you really? or are you from ‘U Find Us’ or ‘customer street’ and you’re just about to try and sell me a website and all the jobs I can handle” at which point they concede they are (BT has never called me for any other reason), the conversation then always goes the same way, me giving them an earful about how rubbish their service is and how they should be ashamed of themselves then them saying they have changed and that now as part of BT they are a reputable company.

So to my very long winded point. I received a call off them again today, He asks me have I been contacted today to which I say no, he then goes into the BT pitch, I stop him and give him my well rehearsed reply but this time they wouldn’t confirm they were u-find-us or customer street, instead he skirts round the issue and starts mentioning 118, so I ask again are you BT? Customer Street? Or 118? (as this might be worth listening to if it is something different) again he skirts round the issue without answering my question so I decided he is in fact from Customer Street but they are now aware of the bad rep and won’t admit it, I politely end the call saying they are wasting my time.

Now remember I said the salesmen asked me if I had had a call off them today, well it turns out they left a message and in it the guy gives the whole sales pitch, much of which I know they can’t deliver or ‘guarantee’ like they say they can. Now the problem with agreeing something over the phone is it becomes a verbal contract (this is why so many customers who signed up can’t get their money back from BT – please note a 14 day cooling off period does not apply to business to business sales) so I now have a recorded offer from these guys and I really don’t know what to do with it. The message it’s self if very underhanded and the claims are absurd, one of them is the favourite of “we have just had a cancellation which means we only have one space of 5 available in your area” – now you do the math, if this were to be true then BT’s calculator must have been playing up when they paid £18m for the company - I’d love to take them up on the offer and throw it all back in their face when they don’t deliver but all that will do is waste my time and possibly money and not affect them in anyway. The other option is to report them to trading standards but from speaking to TS before no crime is committed until you have received an invoice and even then you still have to spend time proving they did you wrong.

So my question is this – What would you do with a company that has wasted so much of your time and ripped off fellow tradesmen/businessmen and you now feel strongly enough to waste some of theirs (the company not the salesmen)? But it has to be something you feel would make a difference.

How BT have allowed this to continue is beyond me the affect on its brand is enormous, if you don’t believe me check out this thread that I’ve been reading for the last year at least.... whoops looks like you need to be a member to view the thread but it’s worth signing up to, go to ‘The Federation of Small Businesses’ website and search for ‘customer street web package’ if you’re interested

So there it is, it looks like I have managed to deliver on all of my promises by ranting/waffling/boring all in one post:smilewinkgrin:

Colour Republic

Re: British Telecom

I get calls all the time like all of you and never really give them the time but these guys have really got to me over the years, i suppose it's because of the BT thing which devalues a brand i used to believe in and I know how many people would fall for it because of the BT link.

I would register with TPS but i've also gained a handful of profitable trade links through cold calls to me, which have been good enough for me to put up with the time wasters.

I'm only getting these calls in high numbers again because i've been putting myself about on the web again, to try and get my google local ranking back up, these people think i'm fresh blood again.

Colour Republic

Re: British Telecom


hmmm not a bad idea, are they even still going? the TV programme I mean. Hopefully they would have had many other compliants so I can add to the numbers

Yes... but if you were with the TPS then it is up to you which cold callers you want to talk too.... and if you are putting your details about on the net then the comps that you put these with are passing your details on to others..

How so? I thought if you registered with TPS it stopped all cold calls? or does it mean they call you once and you tell them your with TPS and if they call agian they get fined?

I know by giving my details out on the web i'm opening to abuse and also some of the companies that I advertise with make there money by selling my details who can then sometimes resell the info if they bought the data with rights, sadly that's life, if I want customers to find me then I'm also going to take the sale calls.


Re: British Telecom

Some honest comps check who is registered with the TPS... but some don't and that is where the fines can come in..

Most cold calls stop within 28 days but some slip through the net... but if you are also posting your details about the net then this atracts neww cold callers, so well worth getting with the tps, your call rob... we can't make you..:smilewinkgrin:..but it does work

Colour Republic

Re: British Telecom

Some honest comps check who is registered with the TPS... but some don't and that is where the fines can come in..

Most cold calls stop within 28 days but some slip through the net... but if you are also posting your details about the net then this atracts neww cold callers, so well worth getting with the tps, your call rob... we can't make you..:smilewinkgrin:..but it does work

It's not that I don't want to, I do! as I think it's a great service buttttt there are some cold calls I do want, some that have offered a service that I have been interested in and has worked for me, so it's these calls that I still want to get, so by registering with TPS I might miss out on these, admittedly they are 1 call in a couple of hundred but thats why I was saying I have to put up with the calls so not to miss the good few and my understanding was TPS barred all cold calls?

It's not the cold calls themselves i hate as i'm well seasoned on these and goes in one ear and out the other and frankly if some people sign up there and then for some random company then they really should be more careful, it's when a caller uses unlawful sales tactics and hides behind a big brand that still angers me


Re: British Telecom

thanks for posting this cr

its very helpfull

im still pricing and booking for later in the year, the earlist booking is march 6

the people im pricing for are spent out after xmas and this is all after the feb paydate

so im sitting pricing and the phone hasnt stopped ringing

a lot of calls from bt, i wasnt aware of the other side of it but i didnt like their hardsell

they are sooooooooo good i dont know why everybody isnt queing up to join them

i was going to buy a carribean island on the proceeds of all the work they are going to get for me

if i wasnt busy i would have stopped and chatted with them, it would have been fun to play them at their own game

and everytime they said so we can sign you up then

i would say no

i dont understand it can you explain it all again for me please:lol:


Re: British Telecom

With every single sales call I get, I put the phone down after a few seconds of their sales pitch.

It starts with same old line "Is that the Tilers? How are you? Blah Blah" and I know its not a normal customer from the tone of there voice. They start their sales pitch and then put the phone down and I carry on working.

I don't do business over the phone, so don't even give these
people who call you the time or day or start playing games with them and you never know what they might do to you.

It so simple. Just hang up every time they call.
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Deleted member 1779

Re: British Telecom

I get this all the time.

I cant tell you the times my 'phone rings and its the same people calling.

For a year (every week) I get a call from one particular company trying to save me money on international currency payments.

We trot out the same old stuff. Me to them - We dont do any international payments. Them to me - We will take you off our list.

I tried the TPS. I tried reporting them. In the end its just a matter of hanging up. Its frustrating and I am with you on the fact that more should be done. But as my wife said - We live in an imperfect world. Sometimes you have to just put the phone down.

Not easy when it happens every week. But thats what I do now.

On a more sinister note I actually joined a blog to stop one suspect company and they then sent a threatening legal letter to me telling me my blog was against the law and their company was legit. They were suing me for damages and for defamation.

Ignored it all and to date no money has left my bank account.

Maybe thats a post for another day...


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Re: British Telecom

Customer Street have been at it for years. It's ufindus originally, who then changed their name due to their reputation to customer street. We once ranked 2nd for ufindus feedback and since they changed their name to customer street it's much much harder to rank for so I'm guessing they knew what they were doing and it stopped so much bad feedback sitting right next to their natural listings in search engines.

They then sold the brand to BT and are now called BT Customer Street but still use various names when they're selling to you as it's just a bunch of dodgy salespeople in a call centre doing their own thing for commission. It's still the same staff, still at the same location, and is funded by BT now.

Done loads of research on these and always found out that everybody else who has has had really bad experiences with them.

Note that if you have been miss-sold anything, business or privately, you can cancel any contract. They will come after you for money but it wouldn't stand a hour in court where real people are dealing with the issue and not just debt collectors.

Best thing to do is use TPS. They will and do send fines. If they're still calling you they've probably just paid the fine. Keep reporting them and they'll eventually get the message. It's £5,000 for every second complaint about any company. So the first complaint they get a letter telling them to stop calling you, and the second time they get a fine, if they keep offending the fines may get bigger and may lead to court action stopping them from calling people - and that's the last thing they need.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I just tell them to go away.........With a bit Of French thrown in for good measure.

Found this site a good read :thumbsup: - The place to leave feedback and comments about companies you have used
And the customer street bit: Customer Street - - The place to leave feedback and comments about companies you have used

Note that Graham is the only one leaving thumbs up and he's a staff member trying to get rid of the negative comments regarding them by attempting to fix the customers issues.
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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
yes I have used Blagger to report a shocking company that ran off with our
promo girls money

[DLMURL=""]See post if you want [/DLMURL]

With the internet theres no place to hide if you have bad company rules

Interesting read. There are LOADS of dodgy modelling firms. Got a few mates who are models and they're always getting ripped off with 'fake' photoshoots that are just setup to gain the admin fee's from the girls and then they hear nothing of work. I nearly setup a website of trusted modelling agencies but the mrs didn't like the sound of me getting involved with lots of models so I never bothered.
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Interesting read. There are LOADS of dodgy modelling firms. Got a few mates who are models and they're always getting ripped off with 'fake' photoshoots that are just setup to gain the admin fee's from the girls and then they hear nothing of work. I nearly setup a website of trusted modelling agencies but the mrs didn't like the sound of me getting involved with lots of models so I never bothered.

I think you should set it up Dan, Liz and Giesla will offer their services for free.


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