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Any Freemasons on here?

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Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I've recorded it gonna watch it tomorrow.
Plus I have applied to local branch, just waiting for a reply
Must be honest i know a few but after watching that I'm like whaaaaaaat? Painted gold plinths and decor in a workingmens club to look expensive and then a guy gets upgraded to something or other after spending decades getting there and power went straight to his head.

Starting to thing it's egotistical.

Hoping for another few episodes to see what the actual benefit is other than a good drink with lads lol

Time's Ran Out

The Freemasons do tremendous work for charity and it's a great organisation.
Steeped in history it is extremely interesting to our trade and for business can provide a networking unequaled by others.
I brought my Mam home from the south a couple of years ago and she was offered a residence in one of the Masonic homes straight away.
Secrecy is a small part of the organisation and like most 'clubs' numbers dwindle but you only get out what you put in and as my father was Master of 2 lodges my Mam was well looked after when he went to the Grand Lodge in the sky.
We already have an organisation that seems to model itself on the Masons. We call it TTA.

The Masons are secretive, and this has led to a lot of suspicion of them. But both my grandfathers were Masons, and the organisation is incredibly supportive of its members, their families, and their local communities. Take another look at your local Masonic Hall. You may be surprised how it bears a remarkable resemblance to Victorian Schools, Hospitals and churches in your area. That's probably because they were funded and built by the same people.

Since the Second World War the organisation seemed to get more involved in supporting its own members, but in the background, an awful lot of real help and support for the local community still takes place.

I have never been a mason, but my brother in law is, and he has been a builder all his life. He is very down to earth, incorruptible, and very supportive of anyone with a problem.

The TV programme undoubtedly is a PR exercise by a few Masonic activists, and is probably as true to life as your average police or hospital reality documentary. I.e it's bull excrement. But that's just a personal opinion.... :D

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