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Tile Shop

Had a customer call today, been advised by her builder that if tiling onto a 18mm ply floor, lay chicken wire and bed it into the adhesive...........

I thought her builder might be a bit batty as I've never heard of anyone doing that before, so I advised rapidmat as a belts'n'braces option if it was deflection free, or hardie if it had any bounce

Then I come on here and do a search for chicken wire and see that its been advised before in screeds.

To me it sounds like an oldskool but readily available material that some may still be used by some to this day, and maybe there are other products now that do the same thing but better.

But whats it used for? Ultimately I'd like to know for what purpose chicken wire was, or is used in tiling and preparation. Pros and cons and how its design has evolved into our modern day alternatives.

Old Mod

Welsh / Mary Hopkin
Haha well, was a while ago, ooow we know a song about that don't we!
Well in 1814, we took a little trip
Along with Colonel Packenham down the mighty Mississipp'
We took a little bacon and we took a little beans
And we fought the bloomin' British in the town of New Orleans
Well, we fired our guns and the British kept a comin'
There wasn't nigh as many as there
was a while ago
We fired once more and they began a running
On down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico, yeh:p

Old Mod

I've seen some threads go a little of topic while I've been a member of the forums.....but I reckon this one is up there with the best of them.....
Chicken wire---Mary Hopkins....sure @3_fall will find a link!!!!!
And yes some of you are showing your age I won't say who though.
Don't like to disappoint Paul! :D
Hope you're well mate!

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