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Not tiling obviously but January was reasonable considering only two weeks working really. Lost volume in January bit more than caught up in February. nearly 600 tonnes over budget year to date. Long may it continue. I guess at least some of you will be tiling my stuff soon.......when it is dry that is. :yikes:


1 : What are your predictions?
Predict it to be a busy year and one that will define me on my own two feet rather than relying on other tilers getting me work as I had done since I started.

2 : Has worked started to increase for you?
Feeling the work picking up steadily. Made a pretty substantial contact in the last few days which should really open a few doors so interested to see how things pan out. Reckon it could be a good year for me.

3 : Has the start to the your been as you expected?
Aye - slow at the start of the year but wasn't too bothered. Been making a wage but haven't made any decent money yet, although it's going the right direction now. Been busy enough all things considered.

White Room

Work has started to fall into place at the moment and I can say I'm busy.

This is due to guys I have known for many years, one heating engineer has some large works going on at the moment and is passing his tiling, dry linning and plastering my way.

The future still looks bleak though, many councils are going to have to make some massive saving and there's talk of 25,000 and more council office workers being made redundant in the next five years.

The next couple of years will still be slow for some and a few will fall by the wayside IMO


It is really hard to know how every1 else is doing, I thought as I was busy everybody was but its not until I talk to other tradies that I realise how bleak it is. But I agree I really do think this year is going to pick up for every1 who has survived the rough period and hopefully It will have made the good honest guys out there better and weeded out the cowboys. :smilewinkgrin:


Very patchy start for me this year, all was good at xmas with the promise of a job to start in the new year. Due to Tiles R us messing the order up the tiles ( trav) didnt arrive, then we had snow which delayed it again then no tiles again, then tiles werent correct. 3 days wasted in 1st week.
Took on some sub contract work which paid the bills but little else. Advertising i paid for not working, which i was hoping would.
My dads illness and the fact that he wont stop working means some one has to fix the tiles, he cant do it and if i am not there to do it then he will try himself and knock him self about. So i have ended up doing some jobs that i have no control over. At least its some money.
I have more "irons in the fire" this year than ever before , just waiting for some to show rewards.
My website has just got me 2 quotes, one of which i have won. So thats something.
Last week i hardly left the house and certainly didnt use any tiling tools. The next 2 weeks i am flat out with a porcelain floor, a smalll ceramic floor and a nice 55m2 Trav floor to do.
I am still optimistic about the future and still pushing a few new leads and ideas i have.
If one of the main leads works out then i may be looking to take someone on as a subby too but who knows.

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