UKTT Darren
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  • M
    Hi darren, tracey, Matt the soldier here who did the 5 week course in Jan Feb this year, got to say again brilliant course enjoyed all of it, will be back to do the kitchen fitting later this year, seemed to have done more plastering than tiling so far but have a couple of tiling jobs coming up, so cant wait, get ready for loads of questions.
    hi there Darren its David from Hartlepool, just to let you know things are going well since i have finished my course. I have been working with a plumber and completed three bathrooms and a wet room.. much appreciated for the knowledge i got taught on your courses, tiling,plastering,plumbing.. with a bit of luck maybe take this up full time.. once again cheers.:smilewinkgrin:
    Hi Tracy & Darren thanks for all your help during the course, haven't had a tiling job yet, but iv'e done loads of painting and I have just got myself a complete bungalow to plaster out. Cheers to all Dave M
    I attended the tiling course two weeks ago and found it excellent and I would recommend it to anyone, good value. Thanks to Darren, Tracey and Colin for their help
    Graham the postman
    Hi Shaun
    Allways make sure you have some powder left, never empty the whole bag in there
    Its a learning curve, you wont be the first thats done it
    Best of luck, let me know how your getting on
    Can you leave some feedback on the main site
    Thanks again
    Hi Darren, well just did my first job today ( bathroom wall ) half day job.
    Went well, although I did have to make the grout twice, first lot was like water, too much water in the bucket to start with. Doh !!
    Thank you for all your help during the course, tell Tracy I miss her tea LOL
    Take care
    Shaun, Perth Scotland ( Ex Car Salesman )
    hi darren got to qoute for a moasic bathroom tomorrow from what she was sayin its the 2 bath walls that are gettin done. i was wondering is mosaic hard.? i beleive they are the full sheet mosaic size of tile. i will need that trowel of you yes? what ddy would you use. tubbed?
    HI Darren,
    Emails get bounced back from your plastering site so you to need sort it,ASAP-so hear goes.
    Does your 8/9 day plastering course cover any polished/venetian plastering as it appears to be the "in thing".Does the average student manage to achieve a quality standard by the end of the 8/9 day course.
    Finally,how about a "special price" for the 9 day plastering course,coupled with the 8 day tiling course,dropping the b'room course-when do you have available dates for both courses???
    Hi Darren,

    From what l gather you are a trainer at NETT??? Ive had a look at
    the site and you guys seem to have a great deal of success. Im
    just starting out, l want to one day be a great tiler ( At 28 l better
    get going ...hehehe) l don't know what it is about tiling, l just know
    that it seems right. Any more info on a course to suit or just general
    advice would be mucho appreciated...
    Hi Darren,i gut called Vinnie was looking for you...bluevin123
    Hi Darren and Tracy,

    Hope things are all well up there in the North East.

    Myself and Colin took your course in July 2007,and thought it was excellent.

    We had about 25 various tiling jobs last year and have learnt from each one.
    However you was right in saying working together, we wouldnt make much money.
    We hardly made a bean,but you live and learn.

    I made the desicion to go it alone, and done a Kitchen floor just before Xmas, and they and myself were well happy. Ive just priced a job In London to tile a 13.5m2 Consevatory floor..She seems happy with the price,but my only concern is how soon can I tile it?
    It was finished being built last week,and the floor itself is 100mm thick,that was layed last Tuesday..I have asked on the forums and they say roughly 1mm per day to dry out or it says in the Bal guide,upto 6 weeks...
    Another alternative is to use Bal green screed,which I could use straight away, but its three times more the price. Just wondering with your experience and knowledge what you would advise me to do, or if there is any tricks or tips I could apply ha!ha!.
    Thanks a bunch.
    Cheers Darren,
    thanks darren sorry for been a pain
    thanks darren sorry for been a pain.
    you would not happen to have the number at hand as i cant find it on net> thanks
    hi darren, i remeber you saying there is a place near the training centre that sells nano light is that correct? and if so do you have a price? i need enough for coverage of 40msq..
    did you say nano is good to use on skimmed walls and ply floor? also what grout would you reccomend?
    is there anywhere you know of that i could get an account set up?
    once again many thanks james
    hello Darren,i returned Debra's call and called back 3 times today but could not get anyone.I still need to pay the balance of the bathroom course.....Bri
    hi darren finally got myself on the forum, thats me 2 and a half weeks into it and so far so good just finished a 27 m2 travertine floor in 4 different sizes of tile, a was brickin it before a started but it went well and customer was really pleased really glad i took your natural stone course.
    hi darren i was at my appointment today with jobcentre plus and the council they say they should be able to fund your course but they kept asking me about the nvq qualification i noticed on our web site that you do the nvq but you have to be tiling for 5 years and as i understand its a requirement to have this by 2010 do you not do it any earlier im still going for your 4 day intensive course ishould find out next week
    Hi Darren, spoke to the lovely debs last night and finally booked on the courses. 5 days in december and 3 in jan. looking forward to it!
    Hi Darren,cheers for the info,firstly need to ask is there a qualification that you get on the plumbing course?Secondly whats the price for the course minus my discount as im always promoting your tiling and i might do the tiling course m8,just give me a ring on the number below when you get dates sorted m8.
    hi Darren,i am looking to do a plumbing course in the next 6 weeks,so can you give me a call plz when you have more info...Bri....07706041546
    What about the xmas night out ,you up for it?

    Just letting you know about the new Tiling Course Review website. Please add your training centre by clicking 'Submit a Course'. Enter your URL and it will fetch some content for you from your website. Change the title to your training centre name and then write a small description about the course and it'll include you in the database.

    Then you can get your course delegates to 'vote' and leave their comments too.

    This isn't taking sponsors, and it'll be unmoderated like the Tile Network. It'll be another great website when it takes off.

    I'll try and get those who I know have been your centre leave a review once you've added your centre.

    The URL you need again is: Tiling Course Reviews | YOUR Reivews of Tiling Courses

    Thanks in advance - and keep in touch.

    Hi Darren, I got back to my flat in Windsor today and looked through my paperwork and found my level 2 certificate sorry mate I must have opened it and put it away hopefully you haven't applied for it for me again. I really enjoyed last weeks course Paul really helped me as I was quite rusty! after last week I've decided to go for it I brought a van today and I'm sorting out the rest of my business, thanks again to you and your team, Lee. By the way thankfully I took your advice and didn't go for that job in Cumbria!!
    hi darren was on your coarse in march just thought a woujld drop you a line and say i have started up on my own and i am doing really well mate thanks for all your knowlage i am so pleased i went and done your coarse thanks again
    Hi Darren looks like your using your time of well, do you ever switch off? Alan Neil
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