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Water damage - Floating chipboard flooring.

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I am currently working on a job and upon pulling the lino up we discovered the chipboard floor has been water damaged due to two leaks which have been fixed.

Now this chipboard floating floor is in a flat and water had leaked into the flat below at some stage.

I am now scratching my head for a solution. I have cut out the wet area of the chipboard and had to take down a wall to also remove the wet chipboard under the wall. I have left a dehumidifier on since Wednesday just gone so the room is drying out nicely ready for this week.

I am looking for some advice as to whether I should take up the rest of the chipboard from around the edges of the room. Then build a wooden sub floor frame, New rockwall insulation between the joists and then lay 18mm wbp plywood on top and either use ditra or a backer board instead.

Below are some photos.

1: This was the floor, upon peeling back the old lino and the water had been lacking behind the boxing in.

2: Starting to cut out the wet area.
3; The chipboard soaking wet.
4: Screwdriver can easily be push through the chipboad.

5: How the bathrooms are currently, Drying out nicely.


I am looking for some advice as to whether I should take up the rest of the chipboard from around the edges of the room. Then build a wooden sub floor frame, New rockwall insulation between the joists and then lay 18mm wbp plywood on top and either use ditra or a backer board instead.

You've pretty much answered it yourself. Your spot on with that. What are you tiling on top of the floor & are you fitting UFH? I would defo cut it all back, add in extra dwangs/noggins & put down 18mm WBP. I'd over lay with Hardibacker as a standard fit as a good substrate to start tiling on. I personally would only use the decoupler depending on tile.

If your fitting UFH, I would do it slightly different but removal & re-sheet with WBP ply would be a minimum.
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