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Welcome along to quitters club! My wife and I are on day 7 today and apparently we are now 9 times more likely to quit permanently now! (according to the tv advert). I used the gum for the first 3 days then just replaced it with normal gum. Still have cravings but they are less frequent and easier to deal with. Stick with it mate it doesn't take long to get out of the habit and for the cravings to die down.
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It's the habit seems to be the hard bit rather than the addiction. I reckon a habit of thirty something years will take a bit longer to crack. I'm really to looking forward to a few weeks from now when most of the gunk has left my system to see how I'm feeling generally.

I know what you mean mate, I associate certain times of the day with having a smoke. I'm fine 90% of the time but I do have a couple of wobbly moments usually first thing in the morning and after meals. I haven't had a beer since new year and I know it's going to be hard not to light up the next time I have a drink.


Well done guys, its omething you defintely wont regret as MG said. I shudder to think where id be now and the state of my health if i hadnt stopped when i did. Its was 5 years Christmas week, a hell of a time to stop with the stresses of Christmas and it being the party season. I gave up for my step son, he commented once when his mum went home after a weekend with me that she 'smelt of Scott' That was the straw that broke the camels back!

Its amazing the things you do notice fairly quickly, the sense of smell and taste are amazing! Brian have you noticed after a week that things taste better? I remember having fresh strawberries and they were awesome!

Another interesting point that was previously mention about the tv adverts that you are 9 times more likely to stop, read the bit at the bottom of the screen when its on. It says if you dont smoke within the first week!
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I had one on new years eve 2006 but that was just before i threw someone outta my house :)

I do however dream about it occasionaly and wake up in a right state as i think i failed myself. Ill never smoke again that im sure of, with all this crap with my dad it just reinforces it. Id never want to put my kids through it. Im not saying its hard as i dont have a relationship with my dad as i hardly know him but with my kids my relationship is a strong one.

Alberta Stone

I haven't smoked in many years, gave it up like that.
Cigarettes that is.
I still smoked little cigars for a while as I liked those, but then they became apparent that they were a nasty habit and so I dropped them as well.
I didn't need the tabs or anything, I just dropped them and haven't looked back.
It is all in the mind.
Everything is.

The thing about commercial tobacco is that they add all these toxins and then they tell us on the packs that "these things are really bad for you", yet people carry on puffing away.
I am amazed that I did it for so many years, and now I look at people who still do and wonder at their choices.

My son was thinking about smoking and so he started up.
I said that if he wanted to smoke he had to grow his own tobacco and so he did.
It is an amazing plant.
If you do that you will not just do it as a habit, but as something else.


I have a very addictive personality and Im incredibly sensitive to caffeine and dont drink coffee unless im really tired.

I drink loads of tea when im working but the caffeine levels are ok, one cup of coffee and im all over the shop. Plus coffee and smoking is a recipe for heinous breath!

Dom have you not had more than 4 pints since december or is that 4 pints in a session?

No more than 4 mate since December 15th ish, apart from 2 last night in Bristol. Not bad at all for me.



Brian i know where your coming from with the beer and smoking thing. It goes hand in hand doenst it? Although not so sure how it is now you have to go out for a smoke in the pub?

I deliberately didnt do anything differently when i stopped. IT was xmas week so plenty of drinking and parties, i think if you stop enjoying yourself as well then it makes it feel like you are giving up even more than just smoking. Thats how it was put int he book i read anyway.

Well done so far


Day 5 nearly over for me. I'm finding it easier than I thought so far thanks to the patches and the inhaler for emergency urges. The wife was a heavier smoker than me and she's not having too bad a time either. I am struggling with my moods though and am really irritable and sometimes find it hard to concentrate but I'm confident that will pass over time .....reassurance please :lol: oh......sleeping brilliantly :thumbsup:


Day 5 nearly over for me. I'm finding it easier than I thought so far thanks to the patches and the inhaler for emergency urges. The wife was a heavier smoker than me and she's not having too bad a time either. I am struggling with my moods though and am really irritable and sometimes find it hard to concentrate but I'm confident that will pass over time .....reassurance please :lol: oh......sleeping brilliantly :thumbsup:

Nothing to do with smoking that's just middle age and January... join the club... loads of grumpy people about of late, it will pass when spring is here... :) :thumbsup: WELL DONE!!!


I'm not middle aged.....I'm only 25.

Feels like spring has arrived here today, seen the sun. and its the warmest its been for about 6 weeks.

Sorry Sandy, I was trying to make you feel better...that worked well then!! :lol: and your bum's on fire....:lol: ! And yes, Phil, warmer here, too today, nice.... :thumbsup:
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its 10 weeks today I had my last ciggarette and the benefits of not smoking have just startedto kick in, I breathe slower and deeper , I have more time and energy , I sleep better , my teeth are whiter and I dont smell of old smoke anymore and I can taste my food now

I havent quite got onto jogging but Im getting there and may have a go later in the year LOL

so keep it up everyone as the rewards are worth it


its 10 weeks today I had my last ciggarette and the benefits of not smoking have just startedto kick in, I breathe slower and deeper , I have more time and energy , I sleep better , my teeth are whiter and I dont smell of old smoke anymore and I can taste my food now

I havent quite got onto jogging but Im getting there and may have a go later in the year LOL

so keep it up everyone as the rewards are worth it

Nice one Mick, if your serious about the jogging thing, start with brisk walking, then jog/walk then progress to full jog. i don't need to say what might happen if you do too much too soon.
for everyone else well done and keep it up.

p.s. i gave up the habit 25 years ago, since then i became a fitness nut (i've ran 5 marathons, 3 50km races and countless half marathons) i'm a qualified Squash coach, i also rock climb, ski and snowboard. i'm 54 now and training to run some big hills this year.

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