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Discuss Register your tiling business with our new website please in the Canada Tile Advice area at


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Hello lads and ladies,

I've been working on a new website.

It's a directory but it will come with some awesome features and it's well optimised. I'm aiming for a check-a-builder and mytrader type website, but free for both the customers and the tradesepeople.

I need some listings adding so that I can make sure systems and processes are working.

There are some dummy listings on there, but there are also some real listings on there too.

Can any of you be so kind as to register over there and then I'll optimise your listings for you and make sure they're ranking for your area.

I haven't installed the County's in Scotland, Wales or NI yet. So I will get round to those. Let me know in the comments to this thread if you're from one of those "devolved counties" (governments words not mine) lol and I'll PM you when I've added your county.

If you have any problems trying to add your listing then let me know.

Let's call the site in BETA mode for now so it's still in testing but live and working, I think. And when we've got some listings on there and some blogs on the blog and it's ranking well, I'll we'll have a more official launch of it, and activate some of the other features. It has booking systems on there and a job posting system that hooks up to it too. But I didn't want to take too much on too quickly.

Been looking for one of these for years.

@Lou and I will start to copy over ALL FORUMS Listing systems to the new site once members have done theirs. Then we'll start to roll back the directories on the forums so that they can be redirected to the new listings and closed off eventually on here. As it's not helping the forum threads rankings with us having lots of areas with no listings added etc.

Anyway, please go to and sign up and add a listing for me.

Report back here in this thread with any problems please.
Hello lads and ladies,

I've been working on a new website.

It's a directory but it will come with some awesome features and it's well optimised. I'm aiming for a check-a-builder and mytrader type website, but free for both the customers and the tradesepeople.

I need some listings adding so that I can make sure systems and processes are working.

There are some dummy listings on there, but there are also some real listings on there too.

Can any of you be so kind as to register over there and then I'll optimise your listings for you and make sure they're ranking for your area.

I haven't installed the County's in Scotland, Wales or NI yet. So I will get round to those. Let me know in the comments to this thread if you're from one of those "devolved counties" (governments words not mine) lol and I'll PM you when I've added your county.

If you have any problems trying to add your listing then let me know.

Let's call the site in BETA mode for now so it's still in testing but live and working, I think. And when we've got some listings on there and some blogs on the blog and it's ranking well, I'll we'll have a more official launch of it, and activate some of the other features. It has booking systems on there and a job posting system that hooks up to it too. But I didn't want to take too much on too quickly.

Been looking for one of these for years.

@Lou and I will start to copy over ALL FORUMS Listing systems to the new site once members have done theirs. Then we'll start to roll back the directories on the forums so that they can be redirected to the new listings and closed off eventually on here. As it's not helping the forum threads rankings with us having lots of areas with no listings added etc.

Anyway, please go to and sign up and add a listing for me.

Report back here in this thread with any problems please.

Great idea. I am based in N.Ireland so please keep me informed when this goes live. Top man. Thanks


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I just tried to setup the "Post a Job" section so customers can post jobs, but then broke it all. So I've rolled it back and am looking through the code to try find out what the problem with that was. That might take a bit of time so I'll leave it as it is for now so we can get some listings on there and get it running properly first.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
There's a new introductions THREAD (not forum) over there so ALL TRADES can introduce themselves if they're the type that'd hang around on a forum. I thought it's a nice place for a trader to find a local contact if they need one and don't have one.



Staff member
Still doing some testing with this during the next couple of weeks. Thanks for those who have submitted listings. There's probably enough on there right now for me to customise everything and get it how I want it. Then I'll do another round of pestering people to sign up. :)
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Reply to Register your tiling business with our new website please in the Canada Tile Advice area at

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