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Discuss Need advice caulking a bathtub when the gap is BIG between wall tiles & tub. Thanks. in the Canada Tile Advice area at



Hi folks. I am a new member. I have done some tiling but am still a slightly advanced beginner. I have 2 questions, one small & one big, about caulking a bathtub. Some folks mentioned filling up the tub with water prior to caulking. How long do you leave the water in the tub? One youtube video suggested leaving the water in for 24 hours after caulking. Do you agree?

Bigger question. I live in an old building & at least 30 years ago, whoever tiled & caulked my tub was very sloppy. The gap between the tiles on the wall & the tub varies from 1/4 inch to almost an inch! That is (I think) between 6 mm & nearly 24 mm. The only good news is that the gap is not deep (going into the wall) & I have cleaned out the gap well. I was thinking of adding one layer of caulk & then adding more caulk after maybe 5 or more hours (when the first layer is dry) Then I would continue adding layers of caulk until the gap is filled & level. By the way, the gap between the tiles and the tub is filled with grout.

Thanks VERY MUCH or your help.


Thanks, but that would not work. The gap varies in size from about 6 mm to almost 24 mm on the different walls surrounding the tub. There is only one small section of the tub where the wall tiles are level with the tub.
Decades ago, lazy workers patched up the gap with a combo of grout & caulk. I removed that "combo" & will re-caulk the gap later. I cut & installed 3 tiles that are longer so the gap could be smaller. But I don't want to cut & replace every tile next to the tub.
I am new to this site. Hope you can see the photo & read my reply. I don't know why my photo shows up twice, but I don't have time to change it. Thanks for your help.
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Blunt Tool

That bath definitely looks as tho it has moved down, the problem is that you don’t know if it’s still moving down or has it stopped. Is it the bath legs or is the floor under the bath giving way. You need to take bath panel off and see why this is happening or you could be visiting your neighbor or basement the quick way. No amount of silicone or quadrants will permanently fix this and IMO those tiles look past their sell by date and all need renewed anyway. So in short fix the bath and floor first then get some new tiles on :thumbsup:

Deleted member 49260

No yours is cif mines is jif keep up :p
Jif the real deal, none of this euro-naming nonsense, and don't get me started on Oil of O/Ulay.
But having said that I worked in printing and when Marathon changed to Snickers we made a fortune:- first it was a new pack design for
Marathon (redesigned slightly to allow a 'flash')
Marathon 'flashed' known as Snickers in USA (or somesuch), then
Snickers 'flashed' previously known as Marathon, then

I'd probably still be doing all that stuff except it all went to Poland/China - you may have seen the odd spelling mistake since then...


That bath definitely looks as tho it has moved down, the problem is that you don’t know if it’s still moving down or has it stopped. Is it the bath legs or is the floor under the bath giving way. You need to take bath panel off and see why this is happening or you could be visiting your neighbor or basement the quick way. No amount of silicone or quadrants will permanently fix this and IMO those tiles look past their sell by date and all need renewed anyway. So in short fix the bath and floor first then get some new tiles on :thumbsup:
Hi: Thanks for your answer.
I doubt the bath has moved down. The gaps between the tub & walls have been that way for decades. About 30 years ago or more, workers took the lazy way out & filled the gaps with grout & silicone. The real problem is that the building is old & the walls have warped. There are not many level "90 degree right angles" between one wall & the next. A right angle might be a US term that folks in the UK are not familiar with. If I had the money, I would get a contractor to put in new walls. I can't do that by myself.


Here is the email I sent to [email protected]:

I am very new to this forum. How do I report ludicrous, inane, stupid, childish replies to my question about re-tiling a bathtub wall?
The ludicrous, inane, stupid, childish replies started with pdc & continued with callatiler, neilrj and Andy Allen.

I've put myself on the naughty step, given myself a slap on the hand and said 5 hail Marys. I hope those other nasty people will follow my lead.


I didn't recommed quadrant tiles . I don't like them .
I plunged ahead. I installed some longer tiles to cover the gap. Then I added a small amount of grout, but mostly silicone to seal the tub. I am fine with grout. But it was my 1st time using silicone caulk. God, what a mess that can make. I might add some kind of trim tile to cover the caulk.

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