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Discuss economy-radiators???? Heard of them? They good? Electric radiators in the General Off-topic Chat (nothing tile) area at



Good evening,

Some of you may have seen my previous post regarding my new flat purchase which only source of heat is underfloor heating which doesn't do anything bar cost an absolute fortune 55kwh per day just to have 2 rooms on low.

Anyway ive been looking around and found the company

According to them i need 5 radiators totalling 3.7kwh, apparently they are modern slim efficient electric heating (is there such a thing??)

So they advise you leave it on 24 hours 7 days per week and have been tried and tested many many times, he says to keep a constant heat of 18-20 degrees the radiator will only be powered for 5 hours due to its clever thermostat so 3.7kw x 5 = 18.5kwh per day at say 0.11 a unit makes £2.00 a day which i think is very reasonable for 24/7 at 18/20degrees .

Needless to say im very suspicious but if it works it'll save me alot of hassle, the cost of the radiators is just over £1300 but given my underfloor heating was using 55kwh per day im happy to pay for the radiators if they are as good as they say, apparently they are the closest rival to gas central heating, hundreds of reviews , has anyone here used them???

Let me know uf you think it sounds to good to be true, they have a,good YouTube video album, he has one in his showroom running 24/7 costing 2p per hour!


Reply to economy-radiators???? Heard of them? They good? Electric radiators in the General Off-topic Chat (nothing tile) area at

