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RAMONDI tile levelling system

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Diamond Pool Finishers

well out of curiosity more than anything i bought the system from quick-split ,and had my first go with it , it was great fun,and much to my surprise WORKED VERY WELL !!! it would deffo slow you down i think:smilewinkgrin: but when i stood back and looked at it i thought it made the tiling look more professional !! it looked very neat and tidy as though you had made a real attempt at keeping everything looking good (maybe a psychological effect on the customer's ) lol i for one will deffo use this system again , what i did do was hide it away ,so as not to show any-chancers the make, as i think it takes the skills we have a bit and gives them to any tom dick or harry ,and thats the last thing we need as a trade lol:hurray: or am i being silly ?:smilewinkgrin:


I tried the lash system from Dave at trade tilers. It seemed a little clumsy and slow at first but when i got used to the system i was flying, much quicker than i would have been without it. I wouldn't use it on all job's but i would say to the people that say "i can tile i don't need it and it makes anyone a tiler" I don't believe that to be the case at all. Yes there may seem an element of that but that's because your looking at it from a tiler's point of view. My customer looked at it and thought how complicated it all looked. I will definitely be using it again and i may try the Raimondi as well.


I tried the lash system from Dave at trade tilers. It seemed a little clumsy and slow at first but when i got used to the system i was flying, much quicker than i would have been without it. I wouldn't use it on all job's but i would say to the people that say "i can tile i don't need it and it makes anyone a tiler" I don't believe that to be the case at all. Yes there may seem an element of that but that's because your looking at it from a tiler's point of view. My customer looked at it and thought how complicated it all looked. I will definitely be using it again and i may try the Raimondi as well.

Hi Gamma. I have used Lash system on my last job. Did you find you had to use thicker adhesive to allow for the clip size or was it just me..???? Worked very well on an un-level bowed wall where I needed to build adhesive up a bit and certainly sped up the job there. Tried it on the floor and slowed me right down as I had to put a thicker bed of adhesive down ( was using a 10mm trowel and had to put more on to get it right. Gonna try raimondi system as the clips are flat to start with so should work better with 6mm adhesive bed. They are supposed to push tiles into adhesive as it says on video and advertisments. I also used raimondi pliers on them to save my fingers and they worked ok. I have heard Lash are working on some pliers at the moment.
Cheeers all :thumbsup:

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