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Is this ok? Natural stone floor not level after tiling

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hi guys

recently had a new bathroom tiled in our new loft conversion . Tiles were laid on top of ply but were told latex would be put underneath to level the floor? There was definitely something put down before adhesive that was left overnight. But now it's finished the tiles are not level at one end of the bathroom floor. Also the natural stone tiles to me look dirty now and now they have been sealed they are like that now for good? Or am I being too picky? If I'm right can the tiler do anything to remedy or myself, other than the obvious start again!

Old Mod

A flat floor is one thing and a level floor is something completely different.
If your finished floor is flat and not causing any issues for you, then whilst it may not be exactly what you expected, flat is acceptable generally.
It does look like it's been left in an unacceptable state tho.
Yes it can be remedied, first you would need to give it a deep clean with something like Lithofin Power Clean or Wexa, diluted as instructed, then left to thoroughly dry for a few days.
Then you can re-seal it with something like Lithofins Stain Stop, this will give your floor protection from everyday stains.
There are also daily care products that can extend the life of your seal. And of course you can top up the seal whenever you feel it is necessary.
Here is a PDF explaining the cleaning and sealing process

If any of the above info is incorrect I'm sure @Lithofin BOB can put you right.
I wouldn't panic yet tho.
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Old Mod

Lithofin will have the correct chemicals yes.
Power clean is more suited to marble I think,
@Lithofin BOB will be exact, and he'll almost definitely be on at some point this evening or very early tomorrow. Creature of habit is our Bob!;)
Getting it clean is the first stage.
Leaving it to completely dry will be the next, even if it takes several days.
THEN re-seal, follow instructions to the letter!
Do not cut corners or have a 'that'll do' approach.
Then you can re-grout. You can make that call when you have it at that stage. If you do re grout, you will need to seal after that as well.
Good luck.
And wait for Bob :)

Concrete guy

They look like a low grade Carrara Marble (low simply meaning they are more grey than white) used to create a mosaic.

If they have been recently laid (last day or so) they may still be retaining moisture from the grout/adhesive which gives them a darker appearance (grubby looking almost).

If a dark adhesive has been used rather than a white adhesive that will also darken the marble.

If they've been sealed, they may have been sealed too soon, locking in moisture and darkening the stone.

If you look at the edge of each hexagon, they are sawn and the edges aren't eased or finished in any way so you can see chipping along all six edges of the hexagon. This is highlighted once it's grouted. They don't look well manufactured to be honest.

How long ago was the job completed?


The tiles are fired earth bridghampton and the job was "finished" 8 days ago. I've held back a third of the money we agreed, but still he isn't cheap! We were recommended this guy as we wanted a top quality job, doesn't seem like we've got one at the moment. He also retiled our other bathroom, ceramic tiles over the current floor tiles I think that looks ok. Ceramic tiles though probably an easier job


They look like a low grade Carrara Marble (low simply meaning they are more grey than white) used to create a mosaic.

If they have been recently laid (last day or so) they may still be retaining moisture from the grout/adhesive which gives them a darker appearance (grubby looking almost).

If a dark adhesive has been used rather than a white adhesive that will also darken the marble.

If they've been sealed, they may have been sealed too soon, locking in moisture and darkening the stone.

If you look at the edge of each hexagon, they are sawn and the edges aren't eased or finished in any way so you can see chipping along all six edges of the hexagon. This is highlighted once it's grouted. They don't look well manufactured to be honest.

How long ago was the job completed?
Think same

Lithofin BOB

As ats, these tiles may have been sealed to quickly , possibly trapping moisture .
If fired earth, These tiles are advised to be laid, left a minimum of seven days or until fully dry , these should then retain there original colour ,then impregnate , minimum 12 hrs curing and grout- second application after grout is fully dry

I would adive to release the impregnator in a section or the whole floor to see if this will dry, if so stripp ,leave until colour returns, if it won't these may have water marked/ stained and this may be iriversable , Then we can clean back with the power clean if it require further cleaning for dirt and other contamination.

Are they from fired earth?
As well as the adhesive moisture ,we have the latex moisture to release through the tile to.
I would stripp a section, we have a product wax off. If you or fitter want to discuss the runthrough in morning , give me a call on our tech line
Reading a post like this could tempt me to switch to Lithofin (from ...a). Excellent advice Bob.

My problem is finding a retailer locally that stocks the full range. One local supplier did not have Wexa (thought you guys all used steam cleaners nowadays), and the ones who do keep 1 litre bottles (5 makes so much more sense to fixers using it all the time). Another retailer wanted to sell me Stainstop (natural stone sealer) for sealing a Victorian floor. So can you supply us direct, without setting (e.g.) a £1000 minimum order?

White Room

Reading a post like this could tempt me to switch to Lithofin (from ...a). Excellent advice Bob.

My problem is finding a retailer locally that stocks the full range. One local supplier did not have Wexa (thought you guys all used steam cleaners nowadays), and the ones who do keep 1 litre bottles (5 makes so much more sense to fixers using it all the time). Another retailer wanted to sell me Stainstop (natural stone sealer) for sealing a Victorian floor. So can you supply us direct, without setting (e.g.) a £1000 minimum order?

I think Lithofin do day courses, might be mentioning to Bob next time hes on.

Time's Ran Out

The tiles are fired earth bridghampton and the job was "finished" 8 days ago. I've held back a third of the money we agreed, but still he isn't cheap! We were recommended this guy as we wanted a top quality job, doesn't seem like we've got one at the moment. He also retiled our other bathroom, ceramic tiles over the current floor tiles I think that looks ok. Ceramic tiles though probably an easier job

Despite all the excellent advice, you don't want to be doing anything to this floor yourself!
Get back to whoever recommended this tiler and ( if it was Fired Earth) get them to have a look at it.
He could have already ruined your tiles but if you try to undo his mess he will just walk away with two thirds of your money and you'll have no recourse to pursue a claim.


Reading a post like this could tempt me to switch to Lithofin (from ...a). Excellent advice Bob.

My problem is finding a retailer locally that stocks the full range. One local supplier did not have Wexa (thought you guys all used steam cleaners nowadays), and the ones who do keep 1 litre bottles (5 makes so much more sense to fixers using it all the time). Another retailer wanted to sell me Stainstop (natural stone sealer) for sealing a Victorian floor. So can you supply us direct, without setting (e.g.) a £1000 minimum order?
Have you not got a CTD close to you?
I use lithofin & if you ever need any help then they are just a phone call away.
I was hoping to meet Bob at Harrogate at the weekend but they weren't there.
Hope the Op gets this sorted as those tiles aren't cheap..

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