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Discuss How much business has got you over the years? in the UK Tiling Forum area at


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Thought I'd make a Poll to see how much business has got you in over the years.

So this is an approximate figure of the turn over has gotten you directly, or indirectly (so perhaps the customer saw you here, then clicked on your website, then gave you some work, and mentioned the forum perhaps or something random like that).

And it isn't over any time frame, this is the total approximate over the length of time you've had your forum account here.

And it's just a rough figure we're after.

Results are anonymous. If you reply with the figure, clearly that isn't anonymous.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Perhaps even consider the web advice you've received via the forum, and as a result, increased web rankings therefore business gained? And that sort of thing?
business via your facebook page as a result of getting advice here or gaining likes here?
Maybe your freeindex listing due to group feedback things we've done from time to time has increased and you've gained extra business out of that?

All indirect business from the forum perhaps.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
ive had 3 enquires looked at 2 of them, but they were time wasters wanting top notch work for peanut money..

don't seem to get many jobs for my neck of the woods on the forum, come to think of it theres not any members on here near to me either...

Fair comment Andy.

Are you sure you get no extra hits to your website through Google searches which you own on via the forum like this one?,cf.osb&fp=7e78e953b47d7bc0&biw=1578&bih=992

Do you track your website stats and referrals from the forum to see how many hits you get from the forum each month?


I have not had work directly from the forum as far as I am aware.

I have had lots of help though in terms of knowledge and advice over the years since getting involved with tiling.

Most recently I had lots of help from the forum members Dan in particular when getting my Facebook page up and running. (Thanks again for that Dan)

I have saved money on products and service though so I guess that has made me money

Andy Allen

Fair comment Andy.

Are you sure you get no extra hits to your website through Google searches which you own on via the forum like this one?,cf.osb&fp=7e78e953b47d7bc0&biw=1578&bih=992

Do you track your website stats and referrals from the forum to see how many hits you get from the forum each month?

no i dont check the stats dan, to be fair i wouldnt know how to :lol: i have put a link to the forum in my web site would that make any difference to the amount of hits i get?


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
no i dont check the stats dan, to be fair i wouldnt know how to :lol: i have put a link to the forum in my web site would that make any difference to the amount of hits i get?
No mate not really.

You want to check with your hosting provider to see what 'stock' statistics are available with the hosting account. But also consider installing Google Analytics on your website (probably the best free stats available).

You will get a fair few hits from the forum I would imagine because you use your signature quite well, and post so much. So while your own website doesn't rank that well, the forum threads you contribute do seem to rank very well, and for a lot of search terms too it seems (after looking again just now).

So I guess the question is, do you get calls from your website? And do those turn into customers? If you do, it's probably the forum doing most of the work for you (though consider other listings you might have such as freeindex etc too).


Just recently we have had a number of enquiries from clients who have read that we are a recommended tiler in East London on the Tilers' Forum.

For example, we tiled a shower room last weekend as the tiler had let the client down at the last minute and we are scheduled in July to rectify a travertine bathroom that was discussed on the Forum last year. We have also had our share of time wasters looking for quality work at a low rate! However, we have benefitted very well from our involvement on here and also advertised for tilers and helped out other tiling companies on the Forum.


Sean Kelly

I answered an advert in TF for a tiler to work in West London. Unfortunately, by the time I sent the PM the job had already gone. However, my number was kept on file and a few weeks later I got a call. I have now worked for this guy quite a few times, and in fact I'm working for him this week! This introduction is a direct result of the forum. Not only have I gained financially I have also gained from this tilers 20+ years of knowledge and experience.
Thank you Tilers Forums.
In terms of direct jobs off forum I would say none although I have directed customers to this website when quoting just to try and prove my point and show I'm no cowboy. That has helped get the job.
The reason I have a website now is because of this forum and that has got me loads of jobs, also the tile giant extra forum discount has saved me a few quid too! And the u heat discount!! Plus the information gained from other members is pretty priceless!!
I have nt had any work from the furom but I never joined to get some, I have gained a lot of knowlodge which is invaluable, but also the things like jotm and checking other tilers work out give is very interesting to me because I have been tiling for near 20 years and it's great to keep on learning off other tilers and finding out about new tools and tiles that are out there to make the job easier

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