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Adhesive failure and fixing problem.

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Deleted member 49260

Hi Gang

Bit of background to my rambling query:- I needed to replace a bath that meant removing all the tiles on an end wall, fair enough hardly a big issue since killing the bath didn't matter, refix different tiles as a feature and job done (famous last words!)
Problem is the old tiles virtually fell off!
Have a look at photo of the adhesive coming off the skimmed PB in chunks/sheets, I assume it's been PVA'd and got enti-wotsit failure, the tiles came off mostly whole (except where grout had welded to glaze), addy is well stuck to back buttered tile.

Question finally:- so what is the proper cure?

My feeble and easy option is to just prime with SBR (or acrylic primer?) then fill holes with rapid set, and perhaps even skim wall as a grit primer? If I'm re-tiling with 'lightweight' tiles is that good enough? as I'm tight on space and I really can't overboard easily.

If I need to replace with tile backer how do I go about joining the new tile backer to the buried plaster bead on the adjacent wall - noggin behind is easy for a join near the bead but does the face need anything doing?

Thanks for any help
Iffy wall.jpg

One Day

That simply looks like rubbish tiling.
Lots of new build houses have the same. Makes my life dead easy removing the tiles!
Definitely ready mixed dispersion adhesive has been used there there so you won't /can't get etringite failure. Chances are it's been very quickly combed onto dusty plaster or else left to skin before sticking tiles onto it.

Are you DIY, or a paid tiler?
What size are the tiles you will be fixing?
More pics would be useful...

Deleted member 49260

I'm a DIY'er, the tiling is around 15+ years old we think, the stacked, landscape, bumpy white and them being 28x20cm may date it better ;)
The iffy wall was the back end of the bath with shower over, that was virtually unused, but it will become tap end with no shower (except maybe short hosed swilling hose).
Tiles to be used aren't my choice obviously...
I'd like easy to cut ceramic about 800mm wide so I can just lop one end off - but may end up being anything expensive knowing my good lady :eek: (only 1.5m2 tho.)
I'm guessing 8mm+ porcelain would be beyond weight limit for skimmed (repaired) PB - if that is indeed possible?
Attached photos: Wall view, RH wall is bath side wall, PB goes under RH wall into corner, LH wall is airing cupboard, the smaller photo is the plaster corner bead I need to tile up to or tie into? the gap was where the trim fitted. End wall.jpg Bead and trim gap.jpg

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