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Hi all - had a bit of a nightmare tiling our bathroom. We prioritised getting a full tile immediately below the window and thought we’d get away with it at the top, but we’ve now got to the top and are left with a slither of a tile above the window - see photo.

Is there any advice on how best to proceed (other than ripping it all off and starting again, which isn’t an option)? We had considered putting more cement board at the top of the window frame just so it’s not such a thin slither but window casing is pretty shallow so not sure that will work. Or is the best course of action to go down the thin slither route?

Thank you in advance!


  • 274867AB-D0FD-4A3E-BE22-0F3B9CC342F5.jpeg
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very unlucky ..... looks like you've done a great job !
I would see what it looks like making the slither slightly wider as you mentioned . Does the patterned
tile continue on the right hand side ? You would need to remove the top tile if it does
Thanks Richard. Yes, when we took the photo we realised those top tiles on the right should have been decor tiles!

We haven’t got much room to play with due to narrow window frame at the top, but will give it a go.

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