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We are just near the end of getting our bathroom refurbed by a local plumber. The tiler he used did a good job overall, but left the threshold with a 7mm rise on the left had side versus the right. Now when the plumber tries to fit the threshold z-bar to the carpet, on one side it is flush and flat and the other side the carpet rises up to meet the tiles.

I raised it as a snag, but they said it was just because the floor was uneven and we should put extra felt under the left hand side to fill it out.

I need advise if this is acceptable or if the floor needs to be redone to make an even join.

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Time's Ran Out

Sometimes in life we have to make compromises.
I have just finished a small bathroom where if I’d tiled the floor level it would have been 30 mm higher at the door to the far end!
Now 7mm across a threshold can easily be overcome by building up the subfloor under the carpet and indeed a decent bit of underlay will bring the height together nicely.
My first reaction to your post was typical John McEnroe, however as you’ve took your time to express your concerns here I hope that this little issue doesn’t distract from the enjoyment of a well completed project.


We have a lot of posts on here similar to this. Asking about one problem then gradually expanding.
It might be better if you can tell the complete story, what concerns you have and what outcome you want to achieve.
Were you happy with the job as it progressed? Did you point out these problems? Has payment been made?

Sure no problem.

I got the name of the fitter from the local bathroom goods store that I purchased everything (£3000) with. The day I got the goods quote I ask them for any fitters they would recommend do a good job as I was spending £3000 on bits and wanted someone reliable.

I got him round to quote (along with 4 other fitters) and his price came in @£2290, which was comparable to the other 4 fitters and seemed reasonable for covering all plumbing, electrical and tiling work for a 2.8m x 2.7m bathroom.

I booked him to started on 12 Apr and agreed it would take 7 days so finishing on 20 Apr. He indicated if anything unforeseen happened it may take 1 more day, which was fine and understandable.

He provided both quote and timelines in text messages.

The total price agreed was £2290 for labour + approx £150 for tilers adhesive etc. I paid him £800 cash on 12 Apr before any work began.
We are now sitting on 30 Apr and the job is still not done and serious snag issues that need to be resolved. In summary of the detail below, I have paid him £2100 cash out of a final total of £2680 and refuse to pay him any more or let him perform any further work. I have contact the bathroom shop that recommend him for their input as an independent 3rd party.

That is the summary, here are the details:

He arrive at 9am on 12 Apr and I paid him £800 cash before any work started. He began gutting the old bathroom and everything progressed normally for the first 2 days. However then things started to slip as I would call home at lunch and he would be gone to another job, or my wife would come home at 4pm and he was not there. We had also agreed that he would start between 8:30 and 9am everyday, but he did arrive 30-40mins late on several occasions, meaning I was 30-40mins late getting to work. I had to phone him at 9:40am one day to find out where he was.

Work proceeded dropping behind schedule until around the 20 Apr, the tiler was only finishing up tiling and had to come back on 23rd to grout.

Eventually, 3 days later than promised, the fitter indicated he was finished on Wed 25 Apr. He was seeking payment at that point, however my wife was only one at home and told him that we would need to check it over before he got paid and also all the old bathroom suite and rubbish was still not removed from our house.

Once I arrived home that evening, my wife and I checked the bathroom and immediately reported the following list of snags to him via WhatsApp with associated pictures:
- Damage to bathroom door frame
- Damage to bathroom door
- Poorly fitted bath panel with gap at top, screwed in the middle resulting in surface damage and a dent/bow in the middle of the panel
- Poorly finished sealing around the bath
- Tiling at door threshold uneven and not level, resulting in a poorly fitting threshold which was loose and uneven. Bathroom door also catching on the threshold.
- Toilet not fitted squarely to the wall
- Toilet seat loose

He came on the morning of 26 Apr to work at the snag list. He responded as follows:

- Door and frame damage just to be expected as part of the fitting process.
- Bath panel not designed to be cut and difficult to fit. Screw was inserted to stop it wobbling. He recognised issues and agreed to replace at own cost.
- Sealant issues due to access and also clear and white sealant mixing. Agreed to fix and did so same day.
Tiling issue due to unevenness of subfloor and little could be done. Agreed to try and resolve threshold issues by adjust and placing packing under the carpet. Resolution was attempted on same day, but still completely unsatisfactory and does not address root cause being uneven tiling.
- Advise that it was not possible to get the toilet to fit squarely to the wall, due to unevenness of the wall (despite just having been freshly tiled??).
- Advised that a small spanner was needed to tighten up the seat, but to expect long term problems with that toilet seat as they are poorly designed. Tightened up seat on same day, but was loose again by the evening.

During the evening of 26 Apr, my wife was cleaning down the inside of the shower using baby wipes to remove all dirt, grout etc and noticed a chip out of the shower panel about 4 inches above the top of the shower. Again immediately reported to fitter with WhatsApp Message and photograph. Received reply that he would look in the morning. Came to inspect at lunchtime on 28 Apr, but could offer no explanation off why it was chipped, only saying that after he had sealed the top of the shower panels on 26 Apr, he wiped everything down and didn’t notice a chip. He agreed to contact supplier to enquire about repair kit. During visit also looked at further action for door threshold problem and advised bath panel was ordered. I paid him an additional £1300 cash in good faith bring a total of £2100 cash paid out of final balance for all works of £2680, with the explanation that the remaining £580 would follow once all work was completed and all the old bathroom waste and rubbish was remove from outside the house as agreed.

This evening 28 Apr, while wiping down the ceiling panels, I notice that one of the panels had been damaged with a gouge/dent the size of a 1 penny piece and filled with white silicon to disguise the damage. I phone him immediately 9:30pm, but no pickup so left a voicemail and followed up with WhatsApp and picture of damage, along with a message that there were now too many ongoing issues and I was going to contact the bathroom shop to seek resolution on this job as this was no longer acceptable. He phoned shortly after and we had a lively discussion on the issues. I told him that I would not pay the remainder £580, instead preferring to use it to pay someone to complete the job properly. He protested and offered to fix everything, but I told him that I had lost all trust that it could be finished to a reasonable standard without risking further damage. We discussed the shower panel again and he indicated that he had the ladder inside the shower when sealing to top panel, but stated that the panel was not damaged when he finished and he could still not explain it. I told him that I had worked in good faith with him to address the snags and already paid >75% over the work to him in cash, but finding damage that had purposely attempted to be concealed, I had lost trust in him or his workers being able to complete the job, especially given the fact that damage had been purposely concealed. In addition there has been numerous small items of damage to our walls, carpets and stairs.

So here we are now, left in the position that I have paid £2100, we have several significant issues with the bathroom, are late by over a week now with significant work to do, a pile of rubbish outside the house that 2 weeks after gutting still hasn’t been removed. For instance to repair the ceiling alone is now going to mean that the panels are pulled down, the tiles at either end be removed. Nevermind the issue with the shower panel which will need the entire shower and enclosure refitted, which will no doubt result in more damage given the pattern to date.

Between goods and labour I have already spent £5100+, along with £600 on tiles, bringing the total to £5700+.

In additional to all the material issues, my wife and I have been equally annoyed by the fact that he has not apologised once for any of this. Choosing to point blame at his men or at us for being too picky.

So we are at an impass now waiting the feedback from the bathroom shop.

That’s about it

Time's Ran Out

Well that’s a witness statement if ever I had to read one!
20% of his total wage is a lot to withhold on what seems to me to be a fairly competitive price.
I’am not saying you are wrong but some of the issues should have been overcome - you could have given him a key!
From the item you originally posted ( door threshold) you have a longer list which you are pursuing. I’d try and keep a more friendly approach to get it resolved.
Me - I’d try not to hide/make the mistakes but if confronted afterwards in this manner most likely ask if your an engineer?

Bathfix Bob

Not good, people who finish at 4pm need to work and stress harder the next day and accidently scrape the ceiling with part of the shower enclosure and try to hide it before you got home. I sometimes work until 7/8 pm if needed.

I've done in myself with some flooring, it happends but i had the decency to get straight on the phone and fork out £330.00 out of my own pocket to buy and have fitted a new kitchen vinyl floor.

Sound like a typical 5/10 plumber, gets by reasonably well working for similar people to himself but put him up against someone with high standards and and hes's exposed as the chancer he really is, and yet to his group you are the picky nightmare customer.

Deadlines? Not me....I would never give an exact finish date ever, how can you possibly know, I can get an hour taken off me by customer coming in and chatting about non work stuff and its fine but that lost hour has a huge knock on effect.


Well that’s a witness statement if ever I had to read one!
20% of his total wage is a lot to withhold on what seems to me to be a fairly competitive price.
I’am not saying you are wrong but some of the issues should have been overcome - you could have given him a key!
From the item you originally posted ( door threshold) you have a longer list which you are pursuing. I’d try and keep a more friendly approach to get it resolved.
Me - I’d try not to hide/make the mistakes but if confronted afterwards in this manner most likely ask if your an engineer?

LOL apologies for the length, it is perhaps related to the job I do in customer service, I am used to all details being recorded and lengthy forensic level quality investigations when there is a customer issue. I do also happen to be an manufacturing engineer, LOL.

Perhaps it is too much to expect the same level of service for a bathroom refurb, however the basics still standing off owning up to mistakes, saying sorry for them and working hard to put them right.

As I said before, we worked in good faith and paid £2100 until the point we found damage that had been purposely concealed. That is when the whole picture changed and the trust was gone.

I work with clients all the time who get annoyed when mistakes are made, but stick with it if they are owned up to and fixed. If they find out that we have hidden something or concealed damage to their goods, then they just walk away. It is drilled into us by management, you will not be fired for making a mistake, but you will be fired if you make a mistake and try to hide it.

Time's Ran Out

Unfortunately there are too many people purporting to be tradesmen in today’s market. However there are Bathroom fitters on this forum who undertake the full project and turn out excellent work. But I would guess that £2.5k for what you’ve had done labour only is ‘competitive’ and not necessarily bespoke! Now that may come across as being unfair but it may answer one of your issues in that they are turning round 2-3 bathrooms a week at those prices to make it pay. Hence later starts and overrun timescales trying to keep all projects alive.
4 competitive estimates is right but unless you’ve seen or had recommendations about them your still potentially in the dark as to the standard they will achieve.
I could tell there was an engineer in you somewhere and coupled with customer service - a hankie just waiting to be used ( it’ll end in tears!)
Keep Calm and Enjoy Life!


Unfortunately there are too many people purporting to be tradesmen in today’s market. However there are Bathroom fitters on this forum who undertake the full project and turn out excellent work. But I would guess that £2.5k for what you’ve had done labour only is ‘competitive’ and not necessarily bespoke! Now that may come across as being unfair but it may answer one of your issues in that they are turning round 2-3 bathrooms a week at those prices to make it pay. Hence later starts and overrun timescales trying to keep all projects alive.
4 competitive estimates is right but unless you’ve seen or had recommendations about them your still potentially in the dark as to the standard they will achieve.
I could tell there was an engineer in you somewhere and coupled with customer service - a hankie just waiting to be used ( it’ll end in tears!)
Keep Calm and Enjoy Life!

Yeap we are totally regretting not paying the £800 extra and going with another local bathroom supplier and fitters who would have taken care of the whole thing and stood over it.

We are now in the sticky mess of trying to sort this all out and left with issues like the shower panel which will remind us for the next 20 years.

As a typical engineer, I am quiet, logic driven and detail oriented. Dealing with this sort of agro and confrontation is very stressful.

I nearly considered paying him the £580 and telling him to go away. Just to be done with him.

Time's Ran Out

You’ve got £580 in trust!
Advise him of what you require doing to bring the job up to a level of acceptance, value what he will not amend, and pay him the difference.
I’ve not been paid by customers before and it’s not a pleasant experience for either party - All warranties are null and void and some actually do the damage themselves to get out of paying that final amount ( was going to say £580.00 but that would have been cheeky) so claims and counter claims can prolong the stress!


Update, I had a very gracious call from a Senior Manager at the bathroom goods head office. She had seen the photos and email and agreed that it was not up to scratch and apologised for the experience.

She explained that they don’t employ the fitters, only recommending people they know who are qualified plumbers etc, but don’t follow up on the quality of their work in other areas.

That being said, she said that we were still her customer that had spent £3000 directly with them and had a bad experience. So she offered to call the fitter they use to do all their showroom work and she has used personally. She would explain to him the situation and he would come out to quote for making all good. She hoped it would even still come in on or below budget for us.

I am really delighted by this level of customer service after the last few days of stress.

I have not heard from the original fitter today and the rubbish is still outside the house, so I am not sure what his plans are, but as far as I am concerned he is fired as I explained on Friday to him.

I am happy to leave it at that and consider the case closed. I don’t intend to publicly shame him, or discredit him. I just want a finished bathroom. If he wants to take it further that is up to him, but I assume he won’t want to risk the wrath of the bathroom merchants.

I would like to thank you all for your help and advise over the last 24 hours as you have helped me and my family negotiate a very stressful situation.

Many thanks to all and I will update in a week or so when the job is done.


Unless the rubbish clearance was agreed in writing and part of the original quote it's unlikely he would have cleared it anyway as you need a license to transport rubbish and the council don't make it easy to dispose of .

He has been telling us for the last week about a certificate he needs to take it away and kept promising to do it the next day. The last I heard he had been to the recycling centre and they told him he could bring it on anyway. Although he told me on a Friday night he wouldn’t remove it to he got paid.

Either way I am going to start removing it myself tonight and remove his opportunity to do it.


You need to be careful.
If you get someone in the complete the job with giving the original fitter the opportunity to put it right he would be more than entitled to take you to the small claims court to get the money thats owed him.

Yes that thought does concern me somewhat. The whole thing is terribly stressing. However he has had several chances to put it right since he finished last Wednesday.

More importantly he has that time to apologise and never done it.

However the fact that there was concealed damage is the main thing for me, so why should I let someone put it right who’s team has already proven untrustworthy.

Also of the £580 remaining, he still has the cost/time of removing all the waste, re-working the issues, buying new ceiling panels and materials, hiring a joiner to fix the door frame, etc. In addition he is over a week late in finishing, was abusive on the phone to me on Friday night, etc.

If he wants to go that route then I can’t stop him. I have documented everything as I have went, so am happy to defend my actions as appropriate.

At the end of the day, even if he made a successful claim, he would still be wrong.

A lesson I learned a long time ago is that even if the law is on your side, or the majority agrees with you, it doesn’t make you right.

A bit philosophical I know, but the truth about life is that there are more important things than money, status or freedom.


Issues still coming out of the woodwork on this one, the toilet seat hasn’t been stable since it was fitted. Got a spanner from the bathroom merchant and took it of today to find this.

One side fitted with a plastic compression fitting (with the top washer missing) and the other side with a throughhole fitting stuck into the hold, with no hope of ever being stable.

I can only assume he broke or lost the right hand side compression fitting and tried to hide this issue as well.


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