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Discuss Thermostat explanation required - Please help me in the Tiling on Underfloor Heating area at



Hi, I have a boiler in the garage with radiators installed and I am planning to add a separate thermostat/programmer to enable in house operation. I am soon to be adding a wet underfloor heating system with a 5 port manifold within an extension that will also run off the same boiler. I understand how the thermostat works with the radiators, there is a receiver connected to the boiler that the thermostat communicates with, however when I have researched the thermostat for the UFH I see that there is a thermostat that connects to a floor sensor that is laid within the screed. My question is, if there is no receiver connected to the manifold system how can it be controlled? I just can't get my head around this and I know the answer is probably really simple. Please help so that I know I am buying the right products. Thankyou in advance :)


You will have to use 2port motorised valves each in an s plan set up. I have similar in my house but i use the valves as volt free switching. It is not something that you should be doing yourelf unless you know what you are doing as it involves fixed wiring so technically should be nitufiable. However if you look up s plan wiring it should become clearer. Port valve 1 will operate the radiators, valve 2 the hot water and valve 3 the underfloor heating. The thermostat communicates with the valve then the valve communicates with the manifold and the boiler. It's the valve that is the key

Uheat - Jake

TF Official Sponsor
You can have either wired or wireless thermostats, both would need to be connected to the Central Wiring Center above the manifold. The wiring center is pretty much the brains of the UFH, this is where all wires terminate. Thermostats can either be Air sensor or Floor sensor, or both, we recommend if you have a wood floor that a floor sensor is installed just to stop the floor temperature from going above 27 degrees and protecting the flooring.

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