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Do you all remember your first puff? I do, i sneaked one of my mums Raffles (remember them?) the were so long and I was so young my arm was barley long enough to light it! It was vile, i hated it couldnt see why people wanted to do it. It wasnt just the first one that was horrible they all were, my point being why did we all get hooked on something so unpleasant in the first place? Non of you/us chose to be an addicted smoker, we all thought it would be easy to stop, so my question is why is it so hard to give up something that was so difficult to get addicted to in the first place?

There is really only one way to stop and that is simply not to put one in your mouth and light it. Cutting down doesnt work and it never will, you will STILL be a smoker. People who only smoke weekends ordown the pub are STILL smokers.

So come on,l keep it up and join the new band of Elite, get your self a new badge the 'Non smokers' badge. I have one its great!


Most people start smoking when they are young and its seen to be cool and trendy, the manufacturers know that just one cigarette could possibly get you hooked. My daughter always said that she would never smoke, she started at 15 and 6 years later she still smokes, what can you do? hopefully one day soon she will stop.
As for me I wont have another one ever, I was out last night and had plenty of beers, the usual people were there offering me ciggies, I swear they are jealous or envious because they cant seem to stop. Anyway nothing would make me have one and the smell when they came back in was disgusting.



As I've said before I'm not a heavy smoker until I touch a drink. If I'm in a pub and I need to pop out into the cold and rain every half hour I feel a complete slave to the crave. My wife smokes a lot more than me and I'm concerned about her health. She has shown an interest in quitting and I'm more than happy to do it with her. So the plan is for mid January and that gives her time to make any preparations. We're going to get into a get fit campaign too just to reinforce the heathy feeling from quitting and also to counteract the weight gain thing though I think that is due to replacing smoking with that correct?

I'm reasonably confident but she really isn't. So there will be plenty discussion over the festive season.


Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
I've cut down loads but am going to get on a run of 'Champix' (spelling?) which is the tablet you take twice a day which apparently makes you hate ciggies. Seems to have worked for a guy I know and a couple of his mates and his sister too.

I'm probably on about 10 a day now but hardly smoke during the day. My chest is clearing up now (was coughing a fair bit last week and over the weekend). So all in all I'm not doing bad but still have to quit fully yet which was the aim so I've not done brilliantly.


well done phil

Dan I couldnt have given up without the weekly smoking cessation sessions, champix is good and has helped a lot of them at the clinic but I couldnt have them or nrt due to the heart medication so it was cold turkey for me and tbh I wouldnt reccomend it, youve done well to cut down to 10 and that will make it easier when your on champix

its been one month since my last smoke and I am now classed as a non smoker on my medical records
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well done phil

Dan I couldnt have given up without the weekly smoking cessation sessions, champix is good and has helped a lot of them at the clinic but I couldnt have them or nrt due to the heart medication so it was cold turkey for me and tbh I wouldnt reccomend it, youve done well to cut down to 10 and that will make it easier when your on champix

its been one month since my last smoke and I am now classed as a non smoker on my medical records

A month already, so thats 6 weeks for me, forgot all about the time to be honest.
Come on Dan get shot of them mate..

You can do it.....

look into my eyes, no the eyes, not around the eyes, the eyes....snap!!... your under.

All cigarettes will now taste like they have passed through a horse's butt



Staff member
Staffordshire, UK
Me. Complete FAIL! :lol:

I'm smoking less, but it's not good enough. I thought if I could fight it before Xmas I'd be fine during the parties but as I haven't I'm catching up on what I don't smoke during the week at weekends. Maybe that's why they made resolutions to be on New Years? :lol:

I'm still not quitting quitting though! haha Another go happens next week and I'm going to the doctors to get my free Champix.

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