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Ok, strange one. My customer was advised to chalk his walls. He has removed the old tiles and adhesive in the kitchen which, luckily, has left the walls in a fairly straight condition. But he had bought tubes of chalk and kind of applied it like you would with plaster to the whole wall. I have just used an aycrlic primer diluted 1:1 as per instructions, but this has weakened the chalk meaning I can basically scrape it of with my fingers. Any advice please? Using bal green star, 150 x 150 ceramic (cheap) tiles. Thank you
Update: the customer has spoken to his Dad, who gave the chalking advice. His Dad is a painter and decorator and has now said, "just PVA it, then when it's dry you can tile it, that's what i did in my bathroom" :flushed::fearscream: I've explained that you don't use PVA for tiling.

It turns out the rest of the chalk came of easy, so I'm going to re-skim one area, then tile when it's gone off....using acrylic primer of course

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