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...heres mine...not quite got the hang of opening the box he just stares at me..


  • 908087ec8ccd987024c37d815cc1fe5d.jpg
    68.8 KB · Views: 94


Ohhhh... Bri..... I cant stand cats.........the are so "superior".........I bet that was the first time your cat ever paid you any notice?......and thats why you took a piccy!....hehehhehhehehheee

Dogs are too needy, cats eat some food, go to sleep, come for a cuddle and then you can chuck them out at night. And you don't need to pick up their poo in public :lol:

Mr T

Dogs are too needy, cats eat some food, go to sleep, come for a cuddle and then you can chuck them out at night. And you don't need to pick up their poo in public :lol:

not the cat we had... at least the dog gives a dam if he poos in the house he knows its beatings... try chasing a cat around the house with a rolled up newspaper! and at least dogs cant go over the fence and bring back pieces of bird or rats lol.


why not go for our finest the bulldog? mind you I was looking into them before and they are a lot of effort to look after with all the extra skin causing soars.

Too many health problems with them. i had one ordered years ago but cancelled, the Frenchie is the healthiest of the Bulldog breed.

im going to cross him with a ****zu.

A Bull ****z.. :lol::lol::lol:

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