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Discuss opinions on color contrasts/schemes on stairs in the UK Tiling Forum area at



Hi everyone,I'm starting my next job next week and the clients have given me free artistic expression due to my experience and word of mouth.My question is this,the job consists of two flights of stairs and the foyer in between,now this isn't a problem as I've done many of the same over the years,as always I want to do an A-1 job so I was looking for peoples advice on color schemes,the walls are a natural wooden tongue and groove and I'd like to know if anyone has a color scheme they absolutly love,I'm thinking of using a different tile/color for the step and riser,I could then either use one of these tiles as the foyer tile or go with a totally different color and/ or tile,I'm looking to get a European word on this,I'm kind of thinking slate foyer and slate riser with a lighter colored step,maybe travertine,any and all advice will be greatly appreciated,thanks in advance,Mike :thumbsup:


Thanks and good point,I'm actually going to take some pics of the job I'm on so as to win that all expenses paid Carribean trip for two on the JOTM contest,then I'm meeting the other client to help him set up his humongous motorhome right on an oceanfront campsite for the summer while his house gets reno'd so I will take some pics while there.Should have done that first,I know how we setters love the pic's,thanks ,well,it's 6 a.m. hereI'm,off to slap some down,you all have a great day,say hi to the Queen for me and I'll return the favor to the gas attendent on the way to work,cheers,Mike :thumbsup:

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