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  1. S

    Best wet cutter for curing roof slate?

    Hi I am looking for a wet cutter to cut roofing slate for projects which involve cutting slate into small slices such as 3mm by 7mm - I am currently using a plunge saw which is way to dangerous for the dimensions I need to achieve - I am looking for any advice on which machine would be...
  2. T

    New slate plates ?

    Watched Sunday brunch this morning on CH4, and he served up the meal on a piece of slate, good job there was no peas or gravy, :clown:
  3. T

    slate tiles

    Hi folks, I am building a new house on the sight of an old stone croft house, I saved 200 or so Welsh slates from the roof of the old house and would like to use them on the floor of the new house, The tiles are a little flakey and rough around the edges with two nail holes at the top, I...
  4. E

    Slate floor-customer not happy!

    Had a call to go and quote a slate floor to clean. Arranged to go and do a test on the floor to show customer what we could do. customer was not at the house on the day i did the test but her son was. Did a few test areas and left. Got a call the following day and customer was not pleased...
  5. G

    Brazilian slate patio

    I went to see a problem job that was done in September last year. It is 600 x 300 Brazilian slate tiles laid direct onto mortar, just by the fixing method , I can see he knew nothing about tiling. Its not quite dot and dabbing but very close to it. The grout should have been black but he just...
  6. W

    Stepped slate cladding

    Anyone on here fitted this? It's the one with staggered joints. Do you half bond the next course or use the off cut as the next course. Customer wasnt sure so I thought I would ask on here. Any advice would be welcome as I'm starting job tomorrow night cheers
  7. C

    Slate and Travertine bathrooms in Brighton

    2 Bathrooms in the Brighton area. First is a Travertine shower room all walls and floor. Room is drylined and backerboards on the floor. Tiles to be installed, sealed and grouted. Tiles 400x300 from memory. Approx 24sqm Second is a honed and polished calibrated slate (yes they really are!)...
  8. F

    Natural Slate Impregnator & Sealer Advice

    Hi I've bought natural slate tiles for my hallway and kitchen.(Homebase) I'm not fitting them myself, but to save on money I wanted to seal them myself. Can anyone recommend a good impregnator and sealer to use? My tiler has recommended Aqua Mix, but wanted to seek advice first. Also is it ok...
  9. T

    Scratch/Score in slate

    Hi All, I'm refurbing our kitchen a home and had a couple of guys in to template a granite oven surround, I wasn't around and they obviously just dragged the oven out across the slate floor, pic of the scratch attached.. I'm laying more slate in the new area up to the existing floor so will...
  10. J

    Laying Welsh Neptune Slate 900mmX600mmX20mm externally onto concrete

    I am looking to lay 25 square metres of Neptune Grey slate Slabs 900x600x20 externally onto newly laid concrete.Rather than use a normal cement mix a suggestion has been to use an external tile adhesive instead? I would welcome some suggestions on the best options to lay these and the...
  11. R

    Advice on preparing to lay my slate tiles please

    Hi all, great forum - I have searched ate rough a lot of threads and found most of the advice I need, just a few things I am not sure of. I am preparing to lay 600x600x10 calibrated slate tiles in our kitchen, dining room and utility. It's 50m2 in total. The existing floor is a concrete...
  12. N

    HELP Outdoor water feature slate tile problem

    Pic attached. I have built a water feature from concrete block and skim rendered them to seal. I used swimming pool tile adhesive to fix the slate tiles (8" by 18"). Some have water running over them slightly but the rest are on the outside of the feature. My problem is that the slate tiles...
  13. S

    Slate Floor onto ply

    Hi We're coming to the final stages of our build, externals were done by builder and internals have been DIY except for plastering. Im now looking to lay a slate floor in an opus pattern in our kitchen and would really appreciate some advice on the best course of action. We have underfloor...
  14. qualitywork

    Help Please. Grout residue on brazilian slate floor !!!

    Hi everyone, I have just laid a 65 metre floor for a customer on anhydrate screed. i sealed the slate first with stain stop and grouted with bal flexigrout grey. Although i thought i had cleaned off all grout residue there is still a very small amount on the face in places. Although it is a...
  15. M

    Cleaning slate floor

    I have been trying to clean my kitchen slate floor. I have used LTP grimex which has cleaned off the sealer and general dirt and grease form the floor. Im still left with dirty grout lines and grout deposits on some of the tiles Any advice on how to remove this would be greatly appreciated?
  16. M

    travatine, pollished limestone and slate. cleaning up some-one elses mess

    I've been asked by someone to help them clean up after another tiler. The guy that laid the tiles hasn't cleaned the grout and adhesive off properly once finnished, then sealed the tiles and left. It's a beautiful New build, multi million pound house situated in a very well to do area. The areas...
  17. M

    Cleaning and then resealing slate floor

    The slate floor in my kitchen is now looking very dirty especially the grout lines. Can anyone give me the best way to clean and reseal them by hand (small galley kitchen) Any recommendations on what products to use would be really helpful thanks mark
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