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Staffordshire, UK
Tiling Rates Per Square Meter / Per Day – How much do tilers charge?


I know this is a hard one to answer. But just as an approximate guide for those searching for how much a tiler costs, and landing on websites such as my builder who seem to be selling tilers for pennies, how much you been charging either day rate or per meter generally?
Perhaps if you could split your work between your fancy stuff, and your bread-winning stuff over the past year or so, then do that so we can see the difference.
And then perhaps price per floors and per walls? If different at all.
Just wanted to get the facts straight for those searching, as £150 per day or £20 per meter isn’t what I’d expect to pay anymore. It’s not the 90’s lol
Tilers replied to our thread here.
How Much Do Tilers Charge?
Is it per square meter or per job or per day rate?
It appears to be a bit of a post code lottery perhaps. So we thought we'd get a bit of a thread going to see what others charge and why.

How much do Tilers Charge?
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Ive spent 10k on tooling for the large tiles so the rate reflects that. What we have to do to get tiles up stairs is dangerous. If HS saw us they would have a fit. Another thing a tile can cost upwards of £600 if we break it we replace it :):)
Another thing a tile can cost upwards of £600 if we break it we replace it ...................
then 300 pounds is too little .....
10k what did you buy? all the factory raimondi? ahah


I work mainly multi apartment sites. Last one was getting £15 a mtr, 49 bathrooms on a floor, 7 floors. Just moved onto another one 36 bathrooms on a floor, 7 floors, getting about £18 for those. All gear lifted up to loading bays on the floors and all you do is wheel the stuff into your rooms, labourers come along at the end of the day and clear the rubbish out. I'm happy with that thanks.

J Sid

For all of you who have only posted in this thread and never introduced yourselves...... head on over to the Welcome section and post a quick thread to introduce yourself.
I've seen more new names here in one thread than we usually see across the whole forum in a month!!!
month........ A year Geoff
welcome all


For all of you who have only posted in this thread and never introduced yourselves...... head on over to the Welcome section and post a quick thread to introduce yourself.
I've seen more new names here in one thread than we usually see across the whole forum in a month!!!

Just in time!
Was afraid it had died a death and was about to start using the Plumbers Forum for my daily human contact. :tearsofjoy:

All that talk of pipes and leaks, Oh yeah!
this is the feedback I have received today and the job wasn't priced hi looking at some of the rates quoted here
"The work we had done was challenging but Simon was able to rise above the challenges and delivered a perfect bathroom. The tiling was done to perfection . You definetly get what you pay for . Nothing was too much trouble . Simon was able to give us great advice and recommendations throughout the project . We would Definetly recommend to our friends and family . Great job ."
Bet he charges more for his services why should your expertise be any less valued .? if you can't make £200 a day then you may as well be employed, gone are the days when tiling was see as a semi skilled profession seen many builders and plumbers plasterers efforts that make you smile installed totally wrong and as a result fail or look dreadful . Don't get me wrong there are some very good multi skilled guys on here but not many would take on a 80m floor and 1200 x600 tiles you are worth far more in my opinion. All the best Kop
i agree with this . You shouldn’t be charging less than £200 a day for day work . This was what we were quoting for 7 years ago !! Our price is now £270 for day work and our clients are more than happy to pay that.

One Day

Look what people are paying to sit in a hairdresser's chair for 30 mins to an hour.
Then perhaps ask yourself; "why is what I do worth SO much less???"



I don't argue its not about worth, I personally think it's crazy that people pay to have their toe nails and such painted but don't want to pay extra for something they will stare at for ten years. My point is more that it is about what you can achieve without sitting at home half your time sticking to your guns of being worth more. Not everyone has the steady steam in their area to knock everything back and wait for the golden egg. That is definitely more on the postcode lottery that has been mentioned and perhaps on which you specialise in as there are some folk on here that are incredible at what they do and I don't argue they aren't worth a lot more but they probably have a steady stream of work that allows them to stick to their guns. I used to subby for some local fitters but now another will tile and supply all materials at £18 a meter. Dot dabs all walls and only scores and snaps envelope cuts and butt's them up. Then there is me wanting a minimum of £30 or £25 a meter plus materials for repetitive work. Yeah it will eventually bite them in the arse but up to that point who do you think they now choose?
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On that note though there are folk in here who say £35/£40 a meter and then £160 to £200 day rate. With my lower meter rate that I can only achieve up here I know I can smash that day rate easy enough. That's where a lot of what is being said in here doesn't add up. I'm just being realistic about what I can get and definitely not bitter about being undercut by the Mybuilder posse :tearsofjoy::tearsofjoy:


I price every job on its own merits, big areas and commercial dictate a lower price small areas with loads of cuts are more, flat M2 rate I rarely work off, but I always work of price never day rate, I make sure I price it according to the work involved, obviously specialist skills, mitres/ bullnosing etc are coated into it, also horrible areas like 16th century cottages that are all scribe work to walls ( I get alot of them). But your average kitchen floor in porcelain with no skirts and no prep I'd be around £35 h £40 pm2 labour only, again this is dependent and size of tile, every job has its variables and those need to be taken into account
Just out of interest anyone on here now considering upping their day rates? Knew this was going to be a hot topic, I usually quote based on X number of days to complete the job. Right now I charge £160 a day minimum up to £200 per day for complete bathroom installation work, still work long hours. Guess it boils down to a few things, competition, reputation, how much work you happen to have on.. Etc. I'm based in Cornwall, I don't advertise myself so all work is on recommendation, (but being Cornwall everyone is somehow related! ). Seem to get busier year on year. Was looking through an old invoice book earlier and couldn't believe how little I was charging (was almost 10 years ago). Definitely becoming more of a specialist trade with larger formats, so rates will more than likely increase to reflect that.


Rates have gone up massively these last 20 years, i remember £100 a day being a rate we dreamed of having , £60 a day s/e was a top rate in the 90s, christ i had a £500 mortgage , van loan, ins etc etc etc earned £225 a week after 25% was taken out, the wife earned £80 a week and we were minted .
Ive absolutely no idea how tradesmen are skint nowadays with all these prices thrown about ont net ,£200/250 a day , thats 50 grand ish a year with holidays .
I was sat in the pub the other week and two women were talking about their mate earning £300 a week ‘imagine earning that much money a week’ they were saying :p:p

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