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UKTT Darren

TF Official Sponsor
North East
There seems to be a few people on here talking about unrealistic wages and things are quiet, it can only be yourself at fault, dont want to come accross as arrogant and put anyone down, but when your self employed YOU have to find the money, nobody said it was easy, most people think it will just come to them by dishing out a few cards. I get a lot of people through the doors who have never been self employed before and are used to a regular wage comming in, if you are employed all you have to do is turn up at work, do your job, go home and get paid at the end of the month.
The people who make it work very well in self employment are the people who have the commitment, passion and the desire to succeed and dont let anything get in the way of reaching that goal, A new business takes time, nobody is saying you are going to make 40 grand in the first year, but work at it and build your contacts up and you will achieve them wages later on.
The tiling skills is only a part of a self employed tiler which most people forget, you have to get the business first and thats where the first problem is, This is the process you need to be focusing on

1 MARKETING (This is all your advertising and building up contacts that will result in an enquiree)

2 SALES ( this is what people neglect, you have to convince the customer that you are the best person for the job, do this by selling yourself)

3 PERSONALITY ( You have to have one, No personality and you will go nowhere, you wont build up the contacts and you wont win the customer over, this can be linked to the sale pitch by reading the customers or contacts personality and trying to mirror theirs, you are more likely to get someone to buy from you if you are the same kind of person as they are)
Remember you are selling your tiling services

4 DOING THE JOB ( This only comes about when you have got the first 3 correct)

Other tradesmen is definatly the way to go and find as many as you can who will pass work your way.

Best of luck to you all and strive to be the best and the money will follow.


UKTT Darren

TF Official Sponsor
North East
Hi Donnie
Doesnt matter what line of work you decide to go into either self employed or employment there is uncertanty and no gaurentees, if you employed your desiny lies with how good someone else is at business to keep you in a job. However with self employment you make the decisions and if there is a lack of work out there you just have to dig in deeper and look harder for it, The golf courses are full of tradesman every day saying how quiet things are and how there is no work, there is work out there but they wont find it on the golf course or in the pub and the work just wont track them down either, you have to find it the hard way, by promoting yourself more, multi skilling yourself more, making more contacts with others who could send work your way, there is loads of ways to get business in, you just have to explore them all, the ones that do the most will be in work, the ones that expect things to happen will struggle, a desire to achieve and be successfull is what a lot of peolpe lack, im not saying it is easy and everyone is capable of doing it, some people just aint got a business brain and thats what you need if your going to run a business well, people forget this bit, they think because they are a tradesman and can do a good job, thats all the skills they need, you need a lot more than that, thats why so many people fail, iv been self employed for 22 years running other businesses as well as being a tiler and running tiling businesses, ive seen a lot of people fail along the way, ive made some mistakes as well but ive learnt a lot from them

I see a lot of people come through the doors of my training centre and i spend the first two hours of the course explaining a lot about what key skills you need to be successfull, i can tell after about half an hour who has a chance of making it in business as a tiler / plasterer whatever and who is probably wasting their time and may struggle, nothing to do with the actual trade skill they will end up with.

People think that the place is flooded with tradesman because of people attending training centres, its not the case, no good having excellent tiling skills if you aint got the drive or ability to find any work or you havent got any sales or personallity skills, these can be taught and you need to rely on them all the time

The best thing to do is keep your job if you can, learn the skills then do work in your spare time or on weekends to build up your confidence and skill levels, then see if you like it then move over once you feel comfortable, trouble with this route is you go at it half heartadly because you have other job commitments, still the best option for you though

Starting any new business off is not easy and anyone that has done it will tell you it takes time to build up. I know when i took a chance 7 years ago and started the training side of the game, started off training 1 person per week then it gradually got bigger and bigger but it was still a gamble, could of easily failed but failure wasnt an option for me. i made it work.
You can only regret the things you have tried otherwise you will allways wonder what if, i would personally rather try my hardest and if it failed my mind would be at rest and move on, rather than keep thinking about it.
The reason i still teach and do the training myself is to help people achieve what they are looking for and give them a good chance of success, my tiling course is unlike any other tiling course where as you not only get taught all the tiling skills, you get everything else you need from me to give you the best shot, thats why if you read the feedback on our courses my name is mentioned a lot, people seem to respect the fact that im genuinly trying to help them

Sorry for the long post but hope this has helped you a bit, i could have come on and said get yourself on the course and youll do great and get some money in off you, i try and be honest as possible then people can make up their own mind whats best for them to do



Cheers Darren,

I appreciate your honesty. Like you I have been through many businesses in the last 20 years some success and some failures so I am all to well aware of the pitfalls and the need to go get and not sit back.

I have a shop which I am selling up due to the divorce but the guy buying it is a recognised tiler and has offered me a deal to train me and pay me for that training and provide all the tools i reguire to set up alone as part of the financial agreement for the shop.

Problem is I give up my shop and i dont get any tiling work, i am then looking at a bleak future. I am only wanting small domestic jobs to start with.

I will look into your courses also and maybe a possibility is to train with you guys and build my comfidence before selling up and moving on.

Thanks for the advice



Hi Donnie, I've just completed Darren's Tiling and Plastering course, and I'm back on Monday for the plumbing course. I can confirm everything Darren says, and I highly rated his courses (see my review postings for detailed feedback). I'm really conservative when it comes to decision making, and naturally worry - as was a source of entertainment to all the lads on the course.... I've never picked up a trowel before in my life, and I'm really confident to tackle any tiling job and plaster the most awkward artexed out of shape walls. Derek is a really good plastering tutor as well, and Colin the plumbing tutor seems really good as well.
Darren and Tracey run a really professional honest business, delivering intensive all round training skills. I've become obsessed with tiling everywhere I go, I cant watch TV without staring at the tiling at the background - and above all - I can't believe how absolutely awful, average at very best so much of it is....
Hope this helps, if you need any more info just let me know.
Darren, see you Monday!
Thanks, Simon.

UKTT Darren

TF Official Sponsor
North East
Your missing the point Ajax of the quote, the point made is when employed you dont have to look where your next pay cheque is comming from, therefore you turn up, do your work then your employer pays you every week / month, not like that when your self employed, once you finish a job, you have to find the next one or no pay,
The origional start of the post is to help people out and give them a better chance and what i believe is right and how ive made it, its upto the people who read it to take any notice of it and implement it and possibly better themselves and their business, if anyone disagrees with what ive said then thats their opinion which is fine with me, just carry on as normal and take no notice of what ive said

Thanks simon for your post
See you Monday
1. Answer the phone nicely it may be huge new enquiry
2. Turn up for the quote on time, in clean boots or take them off
3. Sell yourself gently, be confident, make sure you are giving the client what they want
4. Be prompt with your quote (in writing and as detailed as necessary to avoid confusion, making sure you are quoting for what they want and make getting paid for extras a bit easier)
5. Follow up the quote with a phone call (shows you are keen and if you are not successful ask why and act accordingly with the next one, you might even get a crack at re-selling the job or re-pricing)
6. Turn up on time, treat the house and customer with respect (pretend its your Mam's house)
7. Do the job well including any "little favours" up to the point they are taking the mick
8. Confirm the job is satisfactory and get paid.
9. ALWAYS sort reasonable/justified (and sometimes unjustified) problems out for as long as is reasonable

Get in, get done, get out and get paid. Customers want someone who will turn up, do the job they way they want and in the time they said (not jumping back and forward from job to job). you will get recommendatoins and repeat work. Its far from easy but it WILL help you be a success.

Here endeth the first lesson.


Your missing the point Ajax of the quote, the point made is when employed you dont have to look where your next pay cheque is comming from, therefore you turn up, do your work then your employer pays you every week / month, not like that when your self employed, once you finish a job, you have to find the next one or no pay,
The origional start of the post is to help people out and give them a better chance and what i believe is right and how ive made it, its upto the people who read it to take any notice of it and implement it and possibly better themselves and their business, if anyone disagrees with what ive said then thats their opinion which is fine with me, just carry on as normal and take no notice of what ive said

Thanks simon for your post
See you Monday

No offence taken and none intended in the forthcoming rant. It just annoys me when the assumption is made that just because you work for an employer it is as simple as you go to work do your job go home and get paid. That is ok if you want to be a labourer or work in a factory or a call centre. For those of us who are ambitious and care about what we do enough to drag our selves out of the gutter of our upbringing it just does not work that way. I work for Lafarge. Granted I am currently getting a monthly pay cheque. However there are 40,000 people in the in my sector of the industry who thought they would be getting their pay cheque each month too but they are now out of work due to redundancy, bankruptcy etc etc. I and my colleagues too have to fight for the jobs we win and there is absolutely no guarantee that the job I am currently supplying won't be the last one. Believe me in this industry it is no easier being employed and when ever I am asked by people what they should do in their careers I always advise starting your own business. My Father ran his own business as a self employed tradesman and he went bankrupt first time round. Whilst that is never easy he was always more emotionally secure being his own boss and being in charge of his own destiny than he ever was when he was in employment.

end of rant and sorry for the interuption. Normal service will now be resumed.


Hi Ajax
Its tough out there for everyone and anyone working employed or self employed has their own problems doing what they do and thinking about the future, just gotta keep at it, do your best and hope life brings you what you desire
Those are good values to have Spooner, good post above


That I will agree with

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