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Colour Republic

Hi guys (and gals), hope everyone's good.

If anybody has a spare few minutes I wonder if you can do me a favour?

Just about to go live on our new website as the old one just isn't cutting it and doesn't reflect what we do anymore, also haven't touched it in 4 or 5 years. So looking for some feedback on the new one before I redirect the old one. It's not 100% finished or developed as got more content to upload yet but the frame work is there and good enough to start getting google to index it.

So if you get a moment could you tell me how you find it please? i.e. how quick or slow it is? how easy to navigate? glaring errors? etc. Especially interested to hear your views on the home page and if it's obvious or not (don't want to say too much or it might give it away on how it works)

New website -

Cheers all

Not a computer expert , so merely talking as a web surf and clicker , i like to have a link to click on on the homepage. So to me I've got to work out how your page works before I actually click on anything. For me if I ever get lost on a site I click on home button to get to back beginning , yours takes me back to the pretty picture without any links on .
Personal preference tho'.

Tilings nice tho' , when I found it.

Diggy :0)

Colour Republic

Cheers Diggy, I agree.

It's not working exactly how i'd like it at the moment. I want the home page to auto scroll down to the menu after 3 or 4 seconds on the 'splash page' as it were. And then after that the home button should take you back to the page but without showing the 'splash page'

Just trying to figure out the coding for that though! I know it can done, I just don't know how to yet!


Looks great mate, very nice

Only a few things.....

1-On your contact page it doesn't appear to be mobile device compliant as the end of the email addresses etc don't show on my iPhone screen.

2-I like the whole image & heading to be the link to click on rather than just the word in your different categories on your home page. Just my personal preference though.

Colour Republic

Looks great mate, very nice

Only a few things.....

1-On your contact page it doesn't appear to be mobile device compliant as the end of the email addresses etc don't show on my iPhone screen.

2-I like the whole image & heading to be the link to click on rather than just the word in your different categories on your home page. Just my personal preference though.

1- Cheers mate I hadn't noticed that, the .uk seems to be just off the page as you say. Unfortunately there isn't a great deal I can do about that... well I could but the knock on effects on tablets and desktops might not be worth the pay off. If you click on the email address (even when you can't see the last couple of letters on mobiles) it should bring up your email client to send an email and fills out the correct email address in full anyway.

2 - yes agreed, I have tried changing it but having a bit of trouble doing so as the image is currently classed as a background image on that page. There are other images on the website that do allow you to click the whole image and go through to a link, but it's a very different look. If I can find a way to do it on the home page whilst keeping the look and layout the same, i will;)

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